
Showing posts from July, 2012

how old are you?

so, yea. i planned to do monthly posts on you, but apparently i only remember to do them when you have doctor appointments. you didn't have a 7 month check, so i goofed. in the time that you turned 7, and now 8 months you have changed SO much. you have blossomed into what seems like a little girl, without the the real words. you babble A LOT. i mean, sometimes i think you are going to be like pockets, which your uncle bry lovingly calls "minniti radio" in reference to pockets and your aunt. i think i may have that babble problem too. you are really emphatic with your sounds and have a set of LUNGS! perhaps you will be a singer like moma. more recently you have added "nanana" sounds and what sounds like "hi" and a little of this and that, but "dadada" is certainly your favorite babble. i'm still practicing "moma" with you, but i have low expectations. you have started giggling and show excitement for no reason (a

oh sweet dalia.

dalia, we welcomed you on july 8th. happy birthday you sweet little thing, you. if you only knew how hard your moma worked,  and someday you may.  it was an honor to see you enter this world and make those first wee little noises. seeing you open your eyes so very wide in those first moments is unforgettable. you were quick to warm all our hearts. i'm so delighted you are here, dalia. you are surely something sweet. love, auntie *i apologize that this picture uses a hospital blanket.