
Showing posts from May, 2012

i have issues.

over mother's day my brother in law said to me  "so you have this baby, and she's here, but your house doesn't look like the baby took over" oh how happy this comment made me.  i strive to keep my house in an adult manner as long as the good lord lets me. i gently replied. "it's because i have issues." i like things tidy. i like things clean. & above all, i like things organized. every item should have a home. when the item isn't being used, it should be in it's designated home. (then you know where to find it and this alleviates things being lost) now don't get me wrong though- we don't live in a mansion with ample storage units and closets:  we have a pack in play in our dining room, a stroller tucked in a notch in our living room, one large plastic item at a time in our family room, but all other items have a home.  mainly a basket, but a designated area. so, i'm a little bit OCD when it c

hurdles [breastfeeding]

so since the TIME cover hype is out and about i guess i could introduce more bfeeding bloggies right? the TIME cover was brilliant marketing. i don't agree with the picture depicting attachment parenting and bfeeding at all, but i will say from a marketing pt. of view those cats knew what they were doing. but seriously let's get over it. if someone wants to bfeed their 3 year old, let em. it's not your business. i may have judged more so, prior to bfeeding myself, and i can honestly say i don't think have the tenacity or desire to continue bfeeding til age 3,  but if someone does it and it works for their family, so be it. aside from that, i wanted to share my bfeeding experience before we hear from the other lovely mothers that shared for me. - - - my personal thoughts on breastfeeding... well, i knew i was going to do it. even if it hurt. even if it was annoying. even if i felt tied down. it was something i was going to sacrifice no mat

moma day poem

my moma writes me poems every christmas and sometimes on special occasions. i'm sharing. A baby is special They make  you glow They make you smile And feel warm inside, But your baby Is so tender You cannot render words. You only can feel the glory Of her beauty and her grace That tears run down your face. Your own baby Is extraordinary She shows you all that is right Even if she is keeping you up all night She brings you a new softness AND your defenses They just melt away. Your own baby Changes your life from her first day. she's right. in other news, the day consisted of hosting brunch with both families, family nap, jog sans child, grilling out and grand slam ice cream (not to mention votto hit a grand slam for the redlegs to win the game!) so yea, it was a pretty nice day i'd say. and in other news, one of my best pals became a mother yesterday - how wonderfu

this little piggie...

we are so proud of mister john! we were up early to catch him at the flying pig half marathon. he did superb!! we spotted ali's tutus too! the weather was perfection and we all cheered! congrats to mister john and all the flying piggies. job well done. love c&s

dear ali,

dear ali, i never thought i would write you a note, but since i think about you so much i figure what the heck... i think about you every day. ever since i joined the prayer chain i prayed for you daily and thought about you every day. not a bad thing, but it's still crazy to me. when i was pregnant and would wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom i would think about you watching over your family. literally i would look in the room and think hmmm i wonder if she is there. again, i don't know why... just those are/were my middle of the night thoughts. sometimes i look up in the room when i can't sleep (like a few nights ago) and wonder if you know i am thinking of you. i know heaven is different and we humans will never be able to wrap our heads around the energy and ways of the next life, but it's hard not to think about it; what you are "doing" and who you are "watching" ... when i am up feeding stella or up going to the