
Showing posts from April, 2011

"Paisley Says"

i will say it again. i adore this kid. there are some kids you that you want everyone to meet. she is one of them. i wish i actually caught all the things she says when we are together, but here are a few of the latest and greatest that make me smile: 1. when i arrived Paisley told me " miss tawen i need to tell you tomthing (something)- i made a mitake" (mistake) and hurt my hand. i checked it out and indeed there was a little blemish. then re-visiting her "mitake" before bed Paisley said  "miss tawen, my hand weally, weally hurts" i asked if a kiss you make it feel better. she accepted my offer and was able to roll over and go to sleep. sweet thing. 2. i was tooling around on Paisley's mom's itunes  as we sometimes take turns singing songs together. I asked who her favorite singer is and she told me it was rihanna. she proceeded to say "when i grow up i want to sing with her and all the girls. no boys" very adamant about this.

"big ones, small ones, some the size of your head"

no no, i am NOT talking about the song from the Lion King, i am talking about breasts. holy cow. i mean, i never was a busty person and you know, to be honest i am still not. BUT for me holy cow. for the first time in my life i am experiencing what it is like to have breasts. large boobicles just don't run in the family so i knew from the start i wouldn't have much going on in that department. in high school and maybe some of college i may have been a teeny bit insecure of the lack of mounds in my frontal region, but i pretty much got over that.  i mean, high school is like the epitome of insecurity so if that is the largest worry i had, shit that's fine. next time you see me and check out my jugs you may laugh at this entry. that's fine. but, i will say i am not so sure i am envious of the larger breasted population any more due to figuring out some cons that i never experienced before. Pros of breasts: 1. you can fill out some clothing/bras a little better. Cons of

kiddie response was priceless.

oh nugget, happy easter. your daddy had to work and aunt lea, uncle bry and pockets took a trip to gatlingburg so it was a small gathering this easter and low key.  none the less your name was still on the card from our "easter bunny" and i had a nice time with rents and grand-rents at church and brunch. i sure overate. are you uncomfortable? egg strata, spinach+mushroom quiche and yummy fruit salad and I OD'd on juice and  proceeded to OD on dinner... tortellini and asparagus. oooof. stopped by auntie kath's before home and we pre-planned to tell the whole Allen crew today.  kath asked if i wanted a drink and i responded that i would LOVE one,  but my baby wouldn't like it. folks are pretty sharp - they caught on right away and were very excited for us. i'm not real good at blurting out "oh yea by the way I'm pregnant. nice to see you" so having the help and excitement of kath was fun.  then we asked kiddos: Anth, Nick, Annie, Lizzie and

"Paisley Says"

I love this 3.5 year old. She seriously makes me laugh and smile so much when I watch her. I think it helps that she can't say her "s" "c/k" and "r" sounds all the time. It makes listening to her even cuter. She talks with such conviction and honesty that it is pretty impossible not to be sucked into her comments. here are a few of yesterday's funny, innocent, honest comments: 1. Before going to bed she likes me to tickle her feet and knee pit. so i do. she says to me "why do you have stripes on your head?" while pointing to my forehead. C: "b/c I am old."  P: "why are you old" C: "because i grew up" P: "why did you grow up" C: "because I was born and was a baby 28 years ago and now I am older" P: "my hair is getting so long. why does it grow?" C: "because everything starts out little and when you get older your hair grows just like your body gets bigger" P: "


seriously. i don't know what i was thinking when i said i would be lucky enough to breeze right through the nausea and be one of the "lucky" ones. i guess my positive thinking can take itself to the shitter. all and all i really shouldn't complain much, but i'm ready and willing to welcome trimester #2 with open arms whenever it feels like arriving. i don't want to wish anything away, but on the same token not really into every day being the unknown of when i will feel good or not so good. unpredictability. ooooof. the good news is that having symptoms reminds me that you are still there,  releasing new hormones in my body, ...  making me feel ill lol, but also doing what you need to do to become a healthy baby in the end. my office mates are wonderful, my future boss couldn't be more supportive if she tried, family and friends are praying for you and me every day and your daddy certainly comes around and does what i need when i need it. even though i

the sober one + nugget's 1st wedding weekend.

not that i spend my time getting "trashed" every weekend, but this past weekend a friend of mine got married and naturally, due to my current state of no drinking i was the dd . the whole mf crew and mf-husbands (note: i am not going to share what mf stands for since it's not technically pc, but note that it does not stand for the mother of all cusswords...) traveled to new philly, ohio to celebrate jenn+dave! we had a great time and learned how much that Sheetz was a winner. Sheetz! aka everyone's favorite hang out. a true life saver. since it was nugget's first road trip i wanted to be prepared for the 4 hour ride + hotel eatings. apparently i was a little nervous i would starve, but we ended up being all ok. thanks for saving the majority of naus until after the wedding weekend.  don't worry nugget, moma's always prepared. not to toot my own horn, but i will.  TOOT! i stayed up/out like the best of them. for every beer or wine that was sipped i had

i won! i won!

sometimes i participate in "give aways" via other blogs. i usually have good intentions and forget, but i entered the spotted goose  give away... AND WON!!! check out the adorable-ness of this bla bla doll : the spotted goose company is an adorable children's fashion boutique & offers children friendly classes too!  i love, love, love their merchandise and can't wait to stop in more often!


we had a great morning with our potential midwife - 90 minutes of chatting and Q / A. we haven't officially signed a contract, but i knew she would be my first choice as i already spent a week with her. i still wanted to make sure john felt good moving forward with her as well.   despite the torrential rains the morning was off to a great start and i didn't feel naus!  this little meeting tho let it set in as more of a reality check. i don't know how i want to describe this, but i feel like i have to watch my emotions. everything i feel or get upset over in turn our little grape feels. when i got really heated and upset this morning i felt awful about putting such negatively charged energy to nugget. i don't think i have got so upset over something before to the point where i felt this horrible after. i felt like i was inappropriately arguing in front of my child. it hit home that everything i do in pregnancy and into parenthood has the potential to affect our child. h

your daddy gets an A++

your dad was off today and i have to give him kudos on his productivity level. i haven't been feeling as good lately which has interrupted my productivity and increased my sleep which in turn takes valuable time away from my "to do" list. daddy was a rockstar today. i have listed some of the ways. typically i make the grocery list. buy the groceries. plan the weekly meals. i have been having aversions to meat which has complicated things in the buying and eating dinner department along with washing dishes that have meat remnants on them.  i started a grocery list and delegated that john better make some creative decisions at the store. again. due to some recent naus i am trying to increase my protein from the below helpful naus tips. john introduced me to our blender. and it is my newest best friend.  cup of milk-scoop of protein powder-banana or strawberry = in minutes your own smoothie and 28g of protein to mark in the books. i have been mentally thanking your dadd

things i like.

welcome to things i like . from time to time i will post on just this. and other times i may post on things i dont like . nothings special. nothing fancy. just a few words or pictures. welcome. mmmm. chocolate cake.  brought to you by your favorite chocoholic. wine&roses . ah a favorite, most adorable spot in my old home of the UWS. trendy, but exposed brick and some vino gets me every time. a little one pretending to be a big one.  nothing like putting on mommie's louis vuittons. a new perspective.


yesterday we celebrated my niece josie's 1ST birthday. josie is pretty hysterical these days. from the moment she flopped out she was a pretty social butterfly looking straight at mommie + daddie.  a year flew by and she is imitating everything. repeating everything. into everything. in a fun, adventuresome way. typical josie style: on friday my dad said "josie if you say grandpa i'll give you $50.00 bucks!" lea looked at josie and said "josie say grandpa" sure as shit, josie looks up and says "Pah-paw" My dad is a man of his word. Ten minutes later she was awarded $50.  hand made sign for my pockets. of course lea and bryan hosted with a feast along with my dad's famous mostacholi + sauce which josie LOVES! the birthday girl! a perfect example of imitation: josie trying to whistle. looking at her home made "josie girl" book made by grandma. who knew? josie loves shoes! the banjo was played. Huck settled in on the cou

attack of the killer toothbrush

if you know me well, then you know i love to brush my teeth. don't remember when this started, but if i have a bad taste in my mouth it gets to me...  i carry my toothbrush / paste everywhere with me.  it is imperative that these items travel with me.  and if i only have toothpaste i will figure out a way to make it work. obsession?  sure.  if i have a headache, brushing my teeth makes it better.  if i feel naus, brushing my teeth makes me feel better.  if i can feel the plaque or coating on my teeth, i must brush.  it just grosses me out. im just being honest. however - lately, i have had the attack of the killer toothbrush.  things have changed.  i used to be able to rival the killer toothbrush, but since nugget is growing it has been a not so great experience while brushing.  tear.  i gag. and gag. and gag and gag and gag.  john thought i was vomiting on multiple occasions lately.  it's either the killer toothbrush or the taste or smell of toothpaste that is


i'm trying to not write every post on how i feel, but i realize this will be a good diary to fall back on for other babies and a way for me to vent so excuse all the personal symptom posts.  t hey won't last forever. (god, at least i hope they won't!) so i guess i have some morning sickness. maybe i am in denial and don't want to completely admit it, but the past couple of mornings i have felt like crapola. yes i have felt worse with the flu, but just waking up with the feeling that you could puke at any moment. it's not every morning, but it's been most recent ones.  i have found that sleeping in a little longer helps and jogging in open air. so i have been doing both. have to admit it has infringed on my work schedule of 2 jobs.  getting in the office @ 730 am is not coming easy if at all.  i'm still managing both, but working later or more jacked up hours to make up for "lost" time. what i have been experiencing more regularly than morni