
Showing posts from April, 2012

what i love about being a moma

lately i feel as if i have posted some blogs that may come across negative. my hurdles category is my own journey through some parenting hoops and i guess sometimes it feels good to write out the frustrations, learning and letting go. i tend to be brutally honest and i could see this coming across negative. (or maybe coming across as if need more sleep?) anyway, i feel it is important to share how much i love my job. i love motherhood. just like all jobs this one isn't perfect. jobs can be difficult, and some parts you don't have to like. at all. and that is ok. but the vast majority of motherhood, well, i'm a huge fan. the older stella gets the more i love it. and i think this is leading me to love pregnant women even more because of their soon to be perfect prize. i love snuggling with stella. her cheek against my cheek. i love when she drools on me. (yes i think it's cute) i love wh

time measures quickly.

how has it been almost 1/2 a year? makes no sense. you little one are 5 months.  ok so i don't do your updates until at least a week to two weeks late, but this probably is the closest to on time i've been in a while. you are a good little egg tho, but sometimes i feel like i am running on empty since we are hoping for sleeping thru the night   some day soon. i'm not pushing it, just dreamily hoping. i don't have any stats since we didn't go to the doc this month except to get some pokes in the thigh. you are a tough crowd for laughing but when you do it's this belly laugh that is oh so funny. it's kind of deep sounding, from the pit of your belly. have i mentioned that i LOVE your bellie. i love that is round like buddah. i kiss your belly and sometimes i cant stop touching it when it looks perfect and round. you are interested in everything and still love running water. that has not changed since day one. you are reaching f

a pickle is 5 months.

h.5m.b.d! i sang you a song this morning about being 5 months. to celebrate your almost 1/2 a year marker we went for a lovely jog this morning in beautiful weather, i made you your favorite milkshake for breakfast  (and another one coming for lunch too!!) and we are going to see pawpaw and great grandma and grandpa this afternoon. your longer update coming soon. <3 UPickle>

hurdles [sleeping thru the night]

er, or not sleeping through the night rather. "no, she is not sleeping through the night. thanks." this actually is what i want to say sometimes, but i'm trying to stay positive. and disclaimer: please don't read this and think i am talking about you if you have asked me this before. it's more irritating to be asked over and over by the same person expecting a different response. isn't that the definition of insanity? hmmm. just because other 5 month old babies sleep thru doesn't mean that mine will at this time. and just because they sleep through at 2, 3 or 4 months doesn't mean that stella fits that exact  cookie cutter mold. hmph. every heard of individuality? unique? if this sounds defensive, i probably am and that is probably due to the fact that i am tired. do i want a full night's sleep? duh. am i used to getting up 3-4x a night lately? yes. am i functioning on broken sleep ok? barely. will this las


a little late. we made it thru another holiday. H.belated.E. all. it was a lovely day and had a nice time with both families. during our easter service fr al recommended we use  alleluia to replace other 4 letter words when we are irritated he said 8 letter words will give you more bang for your buck than 4 letter words. so- when the neighbors started drilling out their drive way the next morning i yelled alleluia out the window and when my work computer took 500 seconds to load a page i said to myself  alleluia . it doesn't have the same full effect, but i think the goal is to keep you in check  and focus on what is important. below is a small recap (clockwise) 1. first family photo where i look human 2. stella's easter basket from papaw and mamaw 3. the brunch table, yum 4. pockets and mamaw search for eggs. i'm a week late, but better late than never. (i know, totally breaking blog rules.  if your baby was teething you

a few reasons why we do it.

i breastfeed. and i love it. and wanted to share how awesome it is.  i contacted fellow b.feeders and asked them why they love it or why they do it.  so many were gracious enough to share. ... some not only shared a couple reasons,  but wrote their own personal b.feeding stories and benefits. thanks to the gals who shared and kudos to those people that struggled,  but stayed committed.  these longer ones (myself included) will be coming in from time to time in posts of their own, but for now: i present, a few reasons why we do it! "I love breastfeeding b.c. in the middle of the night I can lay there and nurse without fully waking up.   Hello amazing. Don't have to get out bed, fill my kid with nutritious food and it's free? Sign me up!" "As I face the realization that I am having no more children,  the thing that I miss the most,  the thing that I think about in the middle of the night, is breastfeeding.   T

four months. four.five months really.

dear stella, the months go by a lot quicker with you. holy moly. you are growing and growing. where did you get those long legs and torso? ok, legs = dad. torso, TBD. you learned to laugh on 3.23.12 moma was making fun of you. you have come close before, but hearing your giggle was music to my ears. and daddie's too. we kept laughing every time you laughed. your laugh often turns to hiccups and makes you stop.  unfortunate. you love your naps. sleep stretches are still mostly 40-50 minute naps, but you've done some 2 hour one's in the mix here and there. sleep stretches at night.... well, yea. no. they aren't great. but average for your age. the doc wasn't concerned. neither am i, but i thought i would ask. i put you "down for the night" around 9:30-10:30p aka when i go upstairs. i do it all in one swoop. maybe i am lazy, but eh. you typically have been waking at 1a/2a for a feed and then again 415a/445a f