
Showing posts from May, 2015

adventures with S + A

here we are. 5 weeks after A was born and 6 weeks after i stopped working and what a ride it's been. it seems like i blinked and all the sudden i'm a SAHwM. which is pretty much how it happened. i was about 38.5 weeks pregnant and feeling work stress. i planned to take a maternity leave (which work was nice enough to grant me being i was a part time employee at a small agency), but felt this constant battle of wanting to stay home with my girls, but wondering if that is the "right" decision.  ... will i like it? ... will i go crazy? ... am i crazy? ... will i miss adult interaction? ... will we survive on 1 income? the answer, without hesitation, is that it was the right decision. as soon as i gave my notice, i felt a weight lifted. it was a feeling of 'i can have this baby now' ... almost like the universe was telling me to close that chapter, take a break (short) and prepare to be home with S + A. there were signs along the way and i'm happy i