
Showing posts from May, 2013

everything I need to know, I learned from Grover.

seriously. that good old quirky, awkward, limber, blue guy from sesame street is pretty wise. i don't know about you, but i'm taking some notes... or at least being more aware about what i may have typically ignored. ya see, bird loves this book and after reading it 156,234,874 times i think it made an impact. that coupled with the fact that mister and i have been on somewhat of a documentary kick if you will. in this great lil book, grover explains 10 great ways to love our earthy environment and in turn love humanity.  i know, i know it sounds hyper crunchie, but really people, this place isn't going to be around forever. it may be okay now. at this very moment. but i challenge you (just like grover challenged bird and me) to explore ways to make the most of what we have and make it last. for you know, your grandchildren. that is, if you care enough. what i find funny is that a lot of what we watch in our documentaries can be tied back to these simple principl

i used to want to be hot.

i used to want to be cool. in middle school i was always just on the cusp of the "popular group" but no one the boys would turn their heads for. most the time i didn't care anyway as i was too quirky to carry any conversation of relevance with a boy. believe it or not, i was voted “best personality” in high school and despite the fact that i had a lot of friends, I never really was all that cool. looking back i'm glad i wasn't super cool. as time went on, i wanted to be hot. (i may have thought i was hot in college, but after looking through my scrapbooks i realized that a) i carried too many extra lbs due to my poor eating habits and large alcohol consumption and b) who let me wear that? really? i think i looked more like a whore than a student). did i just type that? yes, i did and it's true. *beware current college students: there's a large chance, that you too will look back in dismay and wonder why you let yourself out of the house .

the little grown up

Holy moly, stella! You are 18 months old! I’m so totally a broken record when I say I can’t believe it, but when I look at you, truth is, sometimes I can’t. Such a little being, putting us in our place! Your dada and I were driving with you and he looked back and said, “you look like a little girl back there in your seat. No more baby – you are a little girl!” and you are – more and more each and every day you sponge something up. I know this isn't unique to me and by child number two it may not that exciting but I’m impressed on a daily basis of her words and how much she understands. The human brain, and the little mini person human brain is incredible. It’s so interesting to me watching hers expand and soak in so much. [If you care to hear about how Stella is probably like most 18 month olds please read on. Having never had an 18 month old before it’s exciting for me to document!] VOCABULARY: You are wordier by the day. I know I am going to miss a

celebrating my title.

i'm not sure what to think of mother's day after becoming a mom. i know that sounds sorta oxy-moronic, but honestly shouldn't we be thanking our mother's and those that do motherly things for us more than just one day? last year i did a big old brunch with both sides of the family. while that was fun, it was at the same time stupid. why did i host something for all the mom's when all the women ended up doing all the work? doesn't that defeat the purpose of moma's day? isn't this day supposed to be a thank you and a break? lesson learned. don't host mother's day - you end up more tired than you started.  this year, i tried to go in with no expectations, but on the same token i can't deny the fact that i want to be appreciated for the things that i do for my familia. luckily my mister knows that i cringe over materialistic gifts and appreciate thanksgiving and action. (although sometimes we have to remind each other. that's marriage, tho

exploring our senses

this Spring we've taken more time outside to explore nature with our senses. we love to feel the wind, listen to the rain and touch  and point out different objects outside. we are starting to do some  new indoor fun as well now that we are putting things in our  mouth less. still doing it, just less.             pictured above: 1) blowing dandelions 2) picking up an acorn 3) making noises with bowls 4) scooping handfulls of pebbles 5) smelling the flowers 6) feeling chalk on our skin 7) art on the chalkboard 8) labeling and touching moss 9) blades of grass on our hands and cheeks i'm hoping bird always appreciates the simple things outside and  shares a passion for creating. time will tell, but it's fun to see  the wheels turn in that little noggin!

hurdles [a healthy balance]

my blog still continues to sit with unfinished drafts that i hope to finish if i still carry the inspiration to write on that topic and i do my best to find my little balance with this space. lately, i've read three different blog posts on topics which i have drafted on, but never finished. sigh. the last post i drafted on happened to be a little before i read  this post  on a friend's bloggity blog. so instead of letting my draft sit, i'm going to let my post become like a reply since it segways in nicely. you see, i often get frustrated with myself for not finishing them and then i read someone elses and feel like i'm copying or it's old news, even though it's already started. i know, i know, it's silly and that's not what writing is about. but truthfully, while i'm working i can't keep up like i'd like and that's just the fact of the matter. nothing to lose sleep over of course. anyway... in lindsay's post, she asks: &qu