
Showing posts from February, 2019

"Don't {f*&^ing} worry about the rest"

"Good day, mate!" said the Australian presenter at the Kauai Therapists Retreat. She quickly matter-of factly noted that yes, she's from Australia, but no one says 'good day, mate', so... don't say it. I laughed. She was unintentionally quick witted and confident. I knew of this person via my husband's "late" podcast, but never really thought I was going to meet any of the people he had spread across the US (and apparently beyond). This is the long back story to the short front story. You see, it was the second day of the retreat. We went to see a canyon in the morning and didn't have a lot of in between time for the allotted lunch time. (Although "Hawaiian time" is a real thing). I found it necessity to shower and once presentable to my standards, meandered downstairs unable to locate my husband (or the coveted food truck to which we put in our orders). No reply to calls and texts, I aimlessly wandered about the hotel lobby and s