
Showing posts from March, 2011

memories of marathon training... far this is far from marathon training, but i have been getting hungry around 1030/11pm at night. not for a full meal, but just wanting something to curb the hunger. the last time i felt hungry for dinner #2 or a snack was when i was training for the nyc marathon. i remember feeling odd about eating before bed, but my body needed it. i don't want to go to bed growling because i feel like i am neglecting what needs to be fed and it's hard to sleep. i can't complain. i'd rather want me body to need more food from growing a human than vomiting or feeling the naus. again, still, so far so good. perhaps i will be one of the lucky ones so i can keep on keepin on. the last time i needed a second meal/snack that late was during my long training runs. i guess growing a human burns a lot of calories? or, uh, is using my energy not all just for me. time to get a snack. knock.on.wood. i have been eating really well. i don't believe in the whole "oh this cookie is

Chalk up another reason why kids are the coolest!

(3.30) Three times a week I watch a 3 year old girl named Paisley Grace . Paisley and I were talking about babies. She actually mentioned how she didn't like babies because they put her toys in their mouth. (NOTE: She did see a picture of my niece slobbering on the same children's toy that she has so this may be where it stemmed from). We had a short conversation about babies and it was pretty innocent. Her pre school teacher recently had a baby so apparently she had been asking her mom the heated questions "Where do babies come from?" "How did I get in there?" "Was I injected in there?" "Why did you and Daddy pick me?" Very innocent, sweet questions.  She was intent on showing me her framed ultrasound picture last night and showing me her itty bitty feet and how "tyute" (cute) she was. It was truly endearing to see her so wrapped up in this. She said "I was in mommie's tummy until I was big enough to live out o

I’m a planner … is there anything so wrong with that?

Nugget! I know you won't care, but I want to teach you to be resourceful.I perused Craigslist and found a house in our hood giving away baby item central. Your dad and I snagged a changing table, blankets and a Graco car seat and base for $20. I got 4 bags of clothing for another $20. Sure, I now have a lot of laundry to do, but you will have lots of options to sport.I figure we can re-sell the items if we decide to get something else, but all was in good condition. win-win.

a good team

now that is what i call your daddy and i. we seem to agree on everything lately, although everything doesn't consist of much yet, none the less i am happy about it. we discussed colors for your room. premature, yes, yes i know, but why not spread it out a little each month rather than wait to nest at the very end? that's not how i roll. and yes, i am sure i will "roll" much differently once you are here because i will have to. we will learn what works for all of us as we go. but back to our good team.... you daddy went to half price books with your grandpa over the weekend and he came back with a baby name book. all in good fun of course. i like all the excitement and energy he brings even if we are both premature with plenty of the planning. i'm tickled that he brought the book home because it shows he was thinking of us. you have about 30 names right now (about 1/2 girl and 1/2 boy). we were going to watch a movie, but it ended up skipping so we played

deciphering the quease.

I slept awful, little one. I peed probably 17 times (ok, well it felt like that...), my food was just sitting in my stomach all night long and the onion breath just wouldn't subside. last night we went to Lauren + Jim's for dinner and they had a slider bar! very delish if I may say so myself, but I overate and apparently should have shyed away from the onions. i think it was a mix of too much jalapeno cheese dip, caramelized onions on my burger and then onions in the feta salad as well. taking notes along the way so hopefully i don't binge on onions and dip again. i don't normally eat like that. i sure wish i took my camera to take a picture of the slider bar for this post. note to self, stop taking camera out of purse! missed opportunities. so i think it was my poor eating choices last night that made me feel ill, but i still feel the remnants today. i don't feel overly queasy, but i don't feel exactly normal so i am sitting here in wonderment if this is

In the Know.

We shared with a few more people about your presence. Your daddy told a few coworkers (and maybe more people I am not sure!) and they were thrilled - 2 of which have babies themselves! It was nice to get some tips from them and just see what they had to say. I broke down and told all the yogi crew. It is basically a crew of preggo mommies or young mommies. Babies + birth often come up in this group so sure as you're born it came up as Mel passed out some beautiful beginnings flyers. She handed some to me and asked if she had any openings in November muwhahahaha. I mean, it was the perfect set up! Good news is that she does and I hope that she can shoot it, but there is a chance she will be nice and pregnant at that time too. It will be a treat to have her. You'll see, kid. Auntie Jip, Frank & Lauren were thrilled! I think Auntie Frank gets the award for most excited so far! Although Auntie Kath is a close 2nd so far. (Wether you like it or not you will have lots of au

Stretching eh?

So uh, I was having these sharp pains in my abdomen and I am not going to lie, it made me a little uneasy. Anything new in pregnancy has the possibility of being normal or bad and it's hard to decipher having never done this before. When the pain would come on I would just touch my tummy and rub it a little and breath to calm any fearful thoughts out. I ended up asking my sister and she mentioned it was probably Round Ligament Pain which basically is the uterus stretching and prepping for your baby and causes sharp pains in the abdomen. Always such a relief to know things are in the normal category. Although this often happens in the beginning of the second trimester it is not uncommon for it to occur before.

Don't let me forget where I came from...

no, no. I'm not talking about Cincinnati. I am talking about the world of fashion + style. I lived in nyc for 3 years & worked in for a company called GIII Apparel Group where I learned how to dress haha! It was great fun and I don't want a growing tum to stop me from feeling good about myself. I feel good when I like what I wear and have fun putting together sassy or creative outfits and I don't want my changing body to stop me. So I am hoping you all will keep me accountable, by not letting me hide in over sized jeans and a sweatshirt every day. I have not figured out how I will get cute maternity clothes when the time comes, but I am a master net worker so hopefully I can get some donations or borrow-age from the mama's out there that are short and not currently using their clothes :) I have been inspired to stay stylish from some other baby mama blogs: dearbaby & bohobabybump & bleubirdvintage & thislittleplace to name a few. So feel free

Let's Build Up Those Lungs, Kid.

You did great all 9.3 miles! We both were tired in the afternoon and took a nap though. But, that is actually normal for me – In the past when I ran some half marathons I would come home and sleep soundly for a nap. Just a nice rest for the body after a long jaunt. You daddy has been a little protective of us, but it is really adorable. He was unsure about us flying in July for a wedding and asked me if I was still going to run the 15K. I think it's pretty precious. He really wants to attend your first doctor appointment too. I really love all the involvement and eagerness to know the ins and outs. He also wants to make sure you get the best vitamins out there. I have been taking regular Joe pre-natals, but he wants us to take a trip to the health food store to get some new ones. I have a 2 year supply in our closet from our HSA account that was going to expire, but since I plan to nurse you I can go ahead and use them then. Plus, I am ok with taking them in general.

3.19.11 "Started spreadin the news..."

Last nite before bed your daddy and I were discussing conception dates – there are only 2 possibilities that, at the time, I didn’t think they were originally in the “window.” He confessed that after one of the coitus events he had a strong feeling the rest of the night and the whole next day that he got me pregnant. Intuition? Your daddy does have pretty strong feelings about things. So I think we are going to with that date. See you late November? I wonder if you will come on Aunt Roe, Uncle Bryan, Ryan, Great Grma M, Mia, Noema or Uncle Pat’s birthdays? You have a lot of people that you potentially may share a day with… Annnnnd, I told your Aunt Kath about you today. I went to see Annie’s soccer game and I knew if I saw Kath I wouldn’t be able to keep it in. And that was deemed true as soon as I got the opportunity! It’s such exciting news, but so fresh and new that it hasn’t sunk in for me (or daddy) either. I am trying to get used to writing mommy and daddy … doesn’t hurt to s


Well your daddy and I took the test and we weren’t sure of the answer. It gave us 1 thick red line and one quasi red line so I currently was thinking “ok, we are ½ pregnant and ½ not pregnant” and was also not convinced of the outcome if it was in fact reading negative. Your dad looked at the unopened test and saw that NO lines appeared it was blank slate and then he thought that it was actually positive. I saw such a smile on his face when talking about it being +. Very cute to see your dad so excited. I have to admit I was a little disappointed and confused when I saw the quasi negative b/c a. my temp has been up for 17 days, b. my heartburn is ridiculous not matter what I eat, even if cereal, c. I am having constipation a little and we Minniti’s, don’t really have that problem if you catch my drift, d. the woman I nanny for said to me just hours ago “I can’t wait until you get pregnant – you will be such a good mom” and a week prior my friend Jenn said “ Caren is going to have th

3.17.11 II

Well, it's no surprise I can't keep anything from your dad. I had butterflies and they were annoying me so uh, I just broke the news of the possibility that there is a “you” inside me to him and he actually was so giddy. I said “hey babe…what would you do if I said I was pregnant?” and he said “well I would say ‘congratulations you are with child’!” He went on to say he’d actually be really, really excited and I could even see it on his face. So I told him how I came to my conclusion and he was ready to go get a test haha. I am going to take 2 tests from your Auntie Lea’s stash and we will take 1 tomorrow… a day early and then one Saturday to confirm since technically I should be waiting until day 18 to take the test for it to show up, but your pops said what's the difference, let's just do it! I have to admit I sort of have butterflies still and I am really excited too if this perhaps is a +. And if not you will just come when you are supposed to come. Part of me wants

And so it begins...

Prolog-to-the-Blog A few opening comments before i dice on into blogging... a ) I wanted to start a blog for a while now, but time was always of the essence. b ) I am a perfectionist so i wanted to conquer the learning curve of blogging before i started. c ) I didn't want to do just a pregnancy and baby blog, but i eventually wanted to add these in to my blog. well, folks a-b-c sort of got shot to shit. just a little. and that's ok. i made it my New Years resolution to start a blog in 2011. that is all fine and good - i sought out some library books, started reading in my ever so "spare" time and tried to, you know conquer that learning curve on my own time with no pressure. the thing is we got pregnant. which, my friends is wonderful and we are super stoked about the soon to be addition to our little familia, but it sort of put a dent in my blogger timeline. you see, i wanted to start pressure free with no judgement on how my platform look was boring and how my gr