
Showing posts from August, 2011


i really love being pregnant. i do. ok at least the II trimester and a portion of the first... i wonder if the III will be ok too. it started a few days ago and uh, i took a nap 2 days in a row. i wonder if the napping trend will come back to haunt me. i may as well take advantage though as i will be haunted by lack of sleep soon enough. even tho i love being pregnant i still miss certain things. not a lot, just a little. i was talking to (also pregs) and we were discussing the things we miss. i mentioned to her that i am now far enough along to not remember what it feels like to be unpregnant. what it feels like to move normal. run normal. dress normal. not have a baby move in my belly. right now it just would feel weird not to have these things, but i have a part of me that longs for feeling "normal" just for a day. just to remember what that feels like. i miss: 1. laying on my tummy. 2. beer and wine-  not the act of drinking, but a nice cold beer or a hear

up to this.

life's going quickly. but i've managed to capture little bits along the way. here's what has been up lately. 1. we had an ink explosion in the dryer. ruined clothes. called for a gift card splurge. 2. yoga on ludlow. such a treat on saturday morn. outside. 3. grandma turned 82. so young. she made her yummy peach pie. 4. pockets went on a sticker binge during the bday party. 5. i am attempting to edge. not well. not consistently. but learning. 6. park. jog. perspective. snapshot. 7. a big red balloon. where's my tummy? 8. a lovely tuesday evening for a jog and walk. 9. garbage can art. i like it. 10. on the porch with my little after i successfully self-pedicured my toes. 1. celebrated F.I.L. bob's bday and hazel enjoyed opening his presents. 2. lunch with " my kids " - - great to catch up with these guys. 3. dad's been busy working on our master closet... 4. i've been busy trying to ignore all the pumpkin gear that i want. i may have a pumpki

Things I Like [Lauren]

I have dabbled in numerous blogs. Some I follow religiously, others here and there and others for a day and then I forget. Somewhere along the way I know I read a blog with a similar posting section such as this. I am not sure what blog it's from, when I read it or what the exact categories are,  but I wanted to note that I was inspired by whatever blog that was... imitation is a form of flattery and in the blogosphere it is so easy to become inspired. I wanted to have some guests post on the blog to change it up. I like sharing my simple 'likes' and 'dislikes'  but thought it would be nice to add some spice from others -  a dding a collection of likes (or dislikes...) This particular 'Things I Like' post comes to us from Lauren. Lauren has a little blog she calls Batman Martin (better known as her son, see pic below) She may not post super frequently, but when she does prepare to be entertained- as she writes with quite the witty tone. Lauren is so stinki

hello on a thursday.

happy thursday from little pocket snickerdoodle. - - -  don't forget to stop and smell the flowers.

check and check mark.

well, we hired a doula. and hired a birth educator. and she happens to be the same person! not sure if you remember me mentioning that i attended a doula training   back in June. feels like eons ago... i feel very lucky to have attended this training  and even more lucky to have attended while pregnant! while i choose to educate myself on aspects of birth, labor  and the current, never ending interventions and rise in abdominal surgeries for birth, it was such a blessing to have almost my own birth class workshop. a lot of it was review for me, but i took in plenty of new in addition. the experience was empowering, enlightening and exciting! i wish every moma-(and popa)-to-be could take a workshop like this- covering such important material on birth decisions in our society today. i started an entry on this a long time ago, but i am choosing my posts carefully until after my own experience. it was very hard to describe the experience in full, but i may touch on the

7 tips for jogging preggos.

1. depends are not a bad plan or look into running routes with a lot of bushes. 2. growing hips  + silk underbottoms do not mix. 3. don't be alarmed if people stare at you ... a lot. sometimes even point and laugh. make them the spectacle by shooting them 2 birds . 4. you will be slower in pace... and your husband or significant other may finish long before you. when previously that wasn't the case. 5. depends are not a bad plan. did i mention that already? 6. crotch wedgies are more common than before. 7. you may want to compose letters to your thighs to stop touching. or at least consider gold bond? ...feel free to add on...


that is what i picture you saying when we prod on you for a heart beat. you certainly don't like to be messed with. although i do hope you snuggle with me. but, if you like to be independent than so be it. sora checked you out today and we are measuring 27.5 cm  right on par. (so my last 29 cm reading i must have mis-read a number b/c  i KNOW  you aren't decreasing in size.  this i know.) forgive me. it took a while to get your heartbeat little stubborn soul. we tried the fetoscope and well, your position wasn't making listening easy. then even with the doppler, handheld you would squirm away telling us to mind our bizz. sora got easy, quick reads from your cord beat, but we both wanted to hear your heart. can you blame us? we are going to be checking your rhythm every other week now so hopefully you  cooperate a little better and we can just do it quick and not bother you too long. you are right about 144 bpm.   i asked sora about your rate decreasing in steady increme

lessons in heart ache.

my job has certainly taught me about perspective . today was a simple lesson in practicing calm. i was interviewing a 12 year old boy with CP . he was adorable, cognitively age appropriate, but had lots of mobility issues. he was in today for a follow up and to receive botox injections . since CP has such a range in severity  I never truly can predict my clinic days and time lines.  this guy was polite and seemed to be giving honest answers  and was fun to work with. we weren't able to finish all the questions due to the botox procedure. typically unless both parent and patient are finished with their surveys  i remain in the room- since mom wasn't completed, i was there for the procedure. i've seen this done many times, on many kids with varying reactions and severity's. i work with a superb team of doctors and nurses  and witness some A+ bedside manner weekly. this particular procedure today struck me. i don't know why this one more than any o

uninvited guests.

i'd be pretty naive to think my pregnancy and body would just be the way  i wanted the whole way through. all and all it's been a smooth ride. all the normal stuff in the beginning and now we've been in a groove for some time and we are getting into the getting even larger stage for Tri III- and that is all fine and good. i am satisfied with where i am at - where we are going and how we are getting there. i do have to say over the last week or so i have noticed some uninvited guests. i am pretty in tune with my body and  i tend to inspect it a lot more now that i am ever changing. not in a vain way, but in a curious, what is going on and what is new today sort of way. lately i have noticed a little of this on my thighs and a little extra of this on my arms not to be misunderstood. im not complaining- just voicing and documenting things in pregnancy and when they happen for me. ive been very lucky so far. i exercise regularly i still eat healthy minus a few minis of da

Paisley Says

remember Paisely ? I got to see my little Paisley Grace today - such a treat! She, like usual, graced me with some funny comments. 1.  Her mom was on a conference call so we were practicing our whispering. I was sitting next to her working on a puzzle and she said "It pells like Miss Taren in here" I snicker and say "really, and what does Miss Taren smell like?" Paisley replies with a pleased smile with a simple "you." 2.  While looking at my tummy she says "Is that what I think it is in there? a baby?" "Why is your tummy getting so big?" I tell her the baby is growing and that makes my belly grow. She replies "How is the baby going to get out?" I throw it back at her and say "How do you think the baby will exit?" She comes up with "the baby probably will slip right out your belly button. You don't have any other holes big enough" 3.  I also learned that little miss P told her