
Showing posts from October, 2014

because my midwife said so.

not exactly how i should label a post, but sort of how i feel... while meeting with my midwife i was mentioning a few things about this pregnancy and she suggested that i keep a baby journal.  "Doh!" i thought as if it wasn't already on my radar.   you see, it's not that i haven't wanted to write to this child, it's that finding the time and energy to write things is just more tiring since it's not just work, work out, do what i want sorta schedule like it was to some degree with stella. also, sorry mister second child, but i wasn't feeling the urge to document things like i did the first time around.  i did start a letter to egg noddle sandwich, but it was kind of more of a mean note to him telling him how i'm tired of him making me feel like poop. how's that for mother of the year? already telling the poor child they are annoying me and haven't physically met yet. so because i respect my midwife and because i want to have somethi