
Showing posts from March, 2016

waiting for our arrival

over and over again, this theme rolls onward  in my life right now. i feel aligned, mostly positive, gracious and overall pretty happy.  there's been multiple times i wanted to sit and write this piece, but then there's this part of me that says "but what if things didn't work out as you said?" "what if you go broke?" "people will think you are tooting your own horn..."  but, honestly why do i care? this is me and if people get something from it, great. if not, also, great. same reason for me not going to use capital letters here... because i don't feel like it. like it or don't. negative self talk is so self deprecating. we wouldn't let someone talk to us like that, but we let ourselves talk us out of EVERYTHING! this is a little tale and peek into our life.  over a year ago john left his comfortable job with good benefits (no, really the best benefits there are, kind of benefits). he could do this job with his eyes closed,

dear daughter,

a letter to my child. that i will actually read to her. not just write to her. a letter that i will read aloud in order for her to know how much i love her and how sorry i am when i'm terribly mean and impatient. dear daughter, i love you. i think you are wonderful. i'm so happy you came to daddy and me - what a gift we have in you! i love your smile. it's so big and happy! when i see it, it makes me happy too! i love your gorgeous red hair. it suits you and it's fun to stand out! i love your eyes and your glasses. your eyes can look at my so deeply and i wonder where you've been before. your eyes sometimes show me sadness and sometimes share tears and that's okay too. i can tell when you are thinking really hard when i look at your beautiful eyes. i love your brain. it's so strong, analytical, curious and creative. every day you amaze me with your questions and your want to understand. i love your movement. we are all so different a