
Showing posts from May, 2016


Stella is 4 1/2. These are what I could muster up to track the past 6-12 months... I should write the fiesty things she says too... most of these are loving and adorable to me haha! "You know what I am going to dream about? I'm going to dream about Jesus. I'm going to dream about Jesus coming back to life as a boy angel. And Great PaPaw too." "Oh, I'm sorry Daddy. I guess you'll have to share Mommy's coffee." -In a low toned sad voice after spilling all of John's coffee on the carpet. "I got in trouble today. Beff (Beth) put my on the stool by the snack table." -In regard to getting in trouble from distracting Dalia from her work. (Gotta love how honest she is!!) "I love my special time with Papaw." "AJ asks me 'why do you like me so much?!'" -We take it she likes AJ at school. "I know, I can re-trace my steps wiff you!" -In regard to losing something and me being annoyed becaus