
Showing posts from January, 2015


when does the homestretch in pregnancy actually start? i'm just about entering the 3rd trimey and it feels like i have so much time, but not enough bc i'm so busy. it's a small miracle that i'm actually writing this.  some notes on how i feel about this pregnancy. 1. after almost 5 months, i consistently feel better. i paid a little more attention to what i eat too and interestingly enough when i have too much processed sugars in one day without other healthy food i start to feel nausea. even though i found this out late in the game, it was nice to know one of the nausea culprits. it's funny how my body was prolly saying "F you, eat better!" i still have a hard time cutting raw meat (and then eating it depending on what it is) and WHOA... the garbage can smell. i barely can change the garbage without gagging so hard i almost puke. stella has to think i'm crazy. daddy knows he has to double bag his yogurt container after eating it and he usually ha

i like age 3.

age 3. it's a really tough age, but i have to admit it's so interesting because of the conversation and expression piece - it's like we were kicked into high gear and all the sudden you erupted into a more mature being! 1. EYE UPDATE: my sweet stella and her eyes... we had such a great month of her seeing 3D and using her eyes together. cross-free! we got the "no surgery" go ahead and the dr. was even impressed how quickly she progressed.  BUT, then after almost a month on the dot she regressed back to crossing so back to the patch and stronger glasses RX we went. she's still crossing with the new RX so in march we will have a surgery conversation, but in the mean time we are more drawn to vision therapy. surgery, cosmetically will fix her eyes and make them straight, but it doesn't train her to use her eyes together... meaning... she won't be seeing 3D or any better or much better. she also might have a hard time reading and judging depth which if