
Showing posts from October, 2017

a peek into my mind.

I'm writing this for multiple reasons. a) therapeutic b) maybe someone can relate c) keeping it real instead of social media transparency d) people commented on my last post about my yelling sentence So there. It might be a lot of territory to cover, but I'm going to lay it all out there for you. I TRY to keep my Instagram real life-ish, but it might look rosy to you. I do love sharing the rosy moments, BUT PLEASE know we have shit shows and shit storms here like most.  You see, right now I'm in a good spot. This doesn't mean that I don't bitch and whine. I still get annoyed when John leaves the dishes in the sink, just ask him. And it doesn't mean I don't get annoyed, by the girls... But, when I'm in the good spot I know have the likelihood of being less reactive and less harsh. (At least I have the awareness to try).  I've come to learn and come to terms that I go on these ups and downs. Most people do and know this, right? The thing I do