
Showing posts from August, 2014

30+ months

yes i'm still counting in months... stella, you are a little human. there are so many big changes lately i can't even keep up. we started to train you on the potty in a really relaxed way. you started showing interest again and then went a couple of times. i gave you a "treat" afterwards until i ran out of muffins, cupcakes, ice cream etc. I had to scour the house for "bad" food and then finally went to mnm's in case this potty thing is sticking. you are slowly making progress, but progress is progress. still a little freaked out about pooping. you got a new RX for your glasses at the beginning of august and it seems to be doing great! you are such a pro at all your eye dr. visits. we started tinkering with vision therapy and going to try to integrate little things into your day, but overall you the activities are a little young. your sleeping. hmmmmm. i can't say you are consistent, but there is progress. more often then not you are sleepin