
Showing posts from October, 2019

a morning report

In the dark of the night I rolled over and found myself startled out of a heavy sleep to find my 4 year old crept into bed just then. "Mommy I had a nightmare" said the little voice. Cut to me lifting my phone: 3:00 a.m. on the nose. Cut to me scooping her up and saying "There's way too much sleep left to be had." She asks if I will sleep with her for a "wittle" bit and I oblige only to find her not sleeping. We discuss dreaming of apple pie and I noted "If we all get good sleep, we can make an apple pie, but only if we get enough sleep." Now she obliges into dreamland. Cut to me back in bed struggling to oblige myself back into dreamland. But... eventually... Zzzzzzz The morning comes, like she always does. My alarm sounds first and I hit snooze 3 times due to the unscheduled programing at three a.m. The last time I see the time is 6:30 and realize I must skip my work out and head straight to the shower, but first water, gratitude, stret