
Showing posts from April, 2016


hi ana! happy first birthday!! of course i started 50 blogs to you and about you, but never followed through. so the last, i don't know, 6 months or so might be wrapped up here?!  it has been so fun seeing your little personality emerge even though you have shown you have quite the temper and impatience as your sister. (oh boy, another red headed temper, sweet!) but, i really do love seeing you, the ana who was chill and mostly quiet and observer ana for so long. the last 2 months or so you have transformed into a being that wants so badly to communicate even more so than you know how. here are my notes on you and your changes this year, but mostly the last 2-4 months: *you started crawling right around 9 months. it's more of an army crawl, but that's what you prefer. i rarely see you lift your big ole bottom up :)  although lately you've been lifting one leg like you are showing an interest in walking. a master puller-upper and think you are so cool when