
Showing posts from August, 2017

the long and the short of it. (pun intended, after the fact).

so this is sort of weird, I'm writing about a haircut as if it's novel idea or a unique event ha.  I haven't written a blog entry in like 12,000 years and I'm opening up a draft to write about my hair. yep, I'm that cool, everyone. but honestly, let's just do this once. I've told people who asked and even strangers like the barista inquired. so there, while I'm not ashamed or opposed to telling people, I know it's only a matter of time of me getting tired of saying the same thing. oops. (kind of like when you are 9 months pregnant and everyone asks "when you are going to have that baby?" and you are like "I'm not Jesus." ... ok, so it's not really like that, but you get the idea of repetition off that wee example, right?! my story begins about 9 years ago when my dear friend shaved her head. she was (is) stunning. on a whim she got rid of her hair. I knew it would look fabulous, bc she has one of those faces that don&