
Showing posts from April, 2014

hurdles [over reacting]

lesson learned. I was so worried about stella wearing her patch and keeping it on and well, she's kind of obsessed with it. the first day was rough and she tore off two in a row, but I wore one the whole time allotted and we watched Frozen together. *NOTE momma doesn't watch TV with the little person much. I hate cartoons, but I do like Frozen and my child's eyes are worth it haha. I texted my mom saying something dramatic about her taking it off and she came over with her brilliant idea. basically, my mom is awesome. she's resourceful and creative. she came up with the ultimate Patch Bag! What is the Patch Bag you ask? in short: a bag of junk. stella loooooves trinkets and knick-knacks so this was pretty much the perfect fit for her. (this could be modified to the likings of other children of course). my mom filled this bag with random shit. old key chains, bunny statue, bouncy ball, rosary, 3 magnetic marbles, and honestly I don't even remember what's i

what momma says.

let's just say sometimes I have issues and I don't shut my trap. i'm 1/2 Italian and 99% scorpio, so let's just get that out of the way as well. tonight while I was jogging i received a "cat call" this has happened before, but it irritated me more than ever tonight. i just wanted to jog in peace. it's one of the only times by myself where i don't have to answer to anyone or anything (except maybe the shower). so this terd of a 19 or 20 year old put a damper on that for me. we live near a university so there's a handful of houses here and there in the mix that are filled with students. there were a couple of dudes on the balcony drinking some brews. typical college behavior and more often then not they don't bother anyone. i was on the opposite side of the street, slow paced in my gray capris, old white T with 'TEAM HARRISON' stamped on the front with neon yellow shoes, when i hear "hey hey! hiii!" and waving. i wave back

i know, what the hell?

I changed the name of the blog. again. and I know it's sort of dumb and the title is sorta drab, but honestly I just wanted it done. I don't have a lot of time to sit here and research the perfect title and when it comes to technology I'm not exactly what you call a whiz. I'm an "mac" gal of course, but my laptop is from 2007, which means in human terms it's practically a dinosaur. no. not practically, it is. (but don't faint on me, I'm saving up for a new one). it's slow and when I work on it, let's just say it's not the most efficient. so not a lot of digging for titles went on. but, anyway folks, most of my brainstorming comes in the shower. (as does most of my most amazing blogs haha. it's so sad that most of them you'll never read. there's just not enough quiet time at a computer for me these days). damn.  but, really, I was thinking in the shower about the name change and just wanted it to be easy. so here: '

i think i am a hipster.

I know, I know. labels are bad. duh. but as long as there is social media and mainstream media there's going to be labeling. tho I don't love it, I don't see it dying. I posted something on facebook which made me delve a little deeper into the hipster meaning thing. I tend to beat to my own drum since forever, but everyone ends up in some sort of subculture in one way or another. let's see in high school I was more of a tomboy, soccer girl and was really bad at putting clothes together to look "cool." there was never a time when I enjoyed wearing khaki's and a collared shirt so I never made it into the prep category. when everyone was wearing those terrible khaki shorts, I tried it. (it was what the "cool" group was doing, remember? and to this day I'd rather lose a limb than wear tapered {or untapered} khaki's and collared shirts). I think I was a nothing in college. I sometimes wore clothes that a whore might wear and bought things

specs for stella

this is not meant to be any type of sob story or martyr post. let's just get that out in the open. about a month ago stella started to squint one eye or cover that same eye. I initially thought she was being quirky (a trait carried heavily by her mother) and let it be. then her grandparents and complete strangers were noticing it so away we went to get the pediavision test the next day. I was hoping for quirkiness, but I left with a referral paper and no real answers since they weren't specialists. and once something is deemed an issue it's much more noticeable. john and I were thinking "is she having headaches?" "can she see ok?" "does this correlate to her clumsiness or is that just toddler play?" while I didn't lose any sleep over this (although my dad might have), it still left an uneasy feeling in my stomach until we get our answers and plan of attack. based on my "research" and her symptoms, I was hoping today would le