
Showing posts from April, 2019

start to finish

That is it. Simply put: I  wanted to complete something start to finish.  Before I had babies I would just do things. There was no issue, something needed to be fixed - ok, I'll figure it out. Something needed to be mended, cleaned, weeded... I just did it. Then I had little people and I inadvertently put my life as I knew it on hold. I see people involve their kids in projects and that's just lovely and I applaud you, but it brought on more stress to not be able to do things myself start to finish. (How very un-montessori of me, but that's my wiring).  This is not to say I've been an unproductive human since having kids. I still do a butt ton of crap around here, but it's been years since I've taken on an actual project. We were at a play date a few weeks ago and I saw wood and power tools in their garage only to find out it was the mom that "just does it" and likes power tools. I like the idea of being able to do things, but I will be the first