
Showing posts from May, 2011

popular demand.

due to some recent requests i'll post some bumpage. i have taken a few. not on any specific date of the month... pretty much when i remember or i can see it haha. i present: bumpilicious. the first time a noticed a "real" bump. i happened to be wearing a tight shirt so that made it more apparent. when i wear these pants i notice it most. they are the goddess of coziness. jess asked for a bump update. i took this at work and i think the angle makes it look bigger, but eh that's what i get for a phone shot by me. *don't judge my un-steamed dress* i ran outa time and honestly i wanted to wear something new-ish  as i am sick of the same dresses and tights. (so is my mirror)

some firsts.

i am sure there will be many of these posts once you actually grace us with your presence but until then here are some firsts:  gifts. we thank auntie katie for this lil ditty. along with her sweet no te. we can thank cousin pockets for breaking this guy in. aunt lea, uncle bry and pockets brought this softy back from their trip. and cards. i love mail. always have. so thanks to you we are getting more of it! thanks for making checking the mail more fun. and uh, yep - flowers !! yes, it's no surprise - oconnor sent these! aka she is the epitome of thoughtful. thank you meaghan - our kitchen sun room loves them!

a lesson in perspective.

An honest note on my selfish feeling self. Now, I am taking a risk of ridicule,  and controversy by posting this,  but I am going to do it. and i am sure this won't be my only controversial post. let's start my tale by saying I have been a bit stressed the last few days.  I accepted a new gig at the hospital a week or so ago ...  maybe 2, I can't keep tabs on the time... and a word of advice: don't start a new gig while pregnant! Ha. But, in all honesty it was the right move to make. more of an interest, full time, still have some flexibility,  working directly with patient families... so with learning a new job  and trying to do it quickly since they lost a couple recruitment weeks in the transition  and my current job pushing some deadlines,  keeping in touch and helping transition paisley,  not always feeling good  and in the back of my mind wanting to stir ideas of social media  for a side job ...i have been feeling a little stressed out. in fact the last 2 da

things i don't like.

annnnd it's time for  my first "things i don't like" post. fluorescent lites.  gross. why do they exist? and why are they in every work place? "don't try this at home" shopping macys herald square around the holidays. unless of course you like not being able to move. or hear. or think. or breathe. seacrest thinking he is hot shit. clogged old pipes backing up into your kitchen sink. vomit-fest.

the not so sexy list.

as i sit here and write this, i pretty much am chalking this up to a week of bad symptoms. don't get me wrong  i am excited and thrilled beyond belief about you,  but i'd be lying if i said pregnancy was all sexy.  if you know me, you know i suck at lying.  you also know that i will call you out if i think you need to be called out on.  not really into enabling... soooo friends, i am not going to sit here and tell myself that these things are all fun times all the time. with that- the not so sexy list: 1. starvation at 3-4a.m. 2. puking or naus at 3-4a.m. 3. having conversations with yourself at 4 a.m. that 1 kid has got to be enough - right? 4. peeing 2,000,444,546 a night. 5. eating ALL the effing time - i swear you are a hypoglycemic child. (i blame your dad). 6. daydreaming about a potty seat in your bedroom. 7. your "used to be" end of the day weight being your morning starting weight. people brag about how you get to eat whatever you want and eat them all the

"Paisley Says"

and more Paisley-isms for the books. with baby questions on her mind... P: "why you growing a baby in your tummy?" Me: B/c mister john and i thought it would be nice to have a baby." she doesn't completely seem satisfied. ... P: "i don't want to bbsit your baby." Me: "that's ok you don't have to. ill take care of that." P: "your baby will eat all my toys." Me: "no i wont let my baby do that. they will only eat food." (ha! aka and everything else they muster in their mouth...) P: "i don't want your baby to eat all my food." Me: "ill just be giving the baby milk." P: "make sure it doesn't drink all my warm milk." Me: "i will give the baby my own warm milk." seems satisfied. so funny. i then ask if it's a girl or a boy? she pauses and says "it's a durl (girl)." Me: "what should we name it?" P: "charlotte." Me: "that's a

please join the prayer train

please pray for Ali.  *photo by loft3pd (aka my photographer lol) Ali is 30 years old with an 8m old daughter. she's the sister of long time friend, Melanie,  or sometimes referenced as "my photographer"  if i'm not sure you know who i am talking about... (as if I have my own personal photographer that follows me  Ali has a very rare, soft tissue cancer similar to sarcoma.  this type hides in your muscles, bones, tissues... and goes undetected by scans. B/c her cancer is so rare she has limited treatment options. she has seen a specialist and started her chemo about a week ago. So many people are praying for Ali already, but the more we have on the train- the better. I spent a lot of time with the Tracy family in my high school years-  they were always willing to lend a hand to those in need  so please join and give the favor back. I can't imagine if this were my sister or family member  and to have something like this happen as fast as it did

an e-versary.

...a truck down memory lane and re-hashing a great memory. 2 years ago today, john surprised me multiple times in one day. one of them being a proposal to be his wifey. i obviously said yes. i just re-read my massive email about our engagement festivities and thought I would do an updated post on the event. on May 16, 2009 I had plans to meet my friend Jessie in Central Park  for: coffee a walk and pictures. i was less than a month away from moving home so we wanted to take advantage of NYC and time together. running late gives me anxiety, but it happens all too frequently. it was a rainy morning which pushed back my jog and pushed back our meeting. (luckily "she" was running late too). When I got to our meeting spot  I called Jessie. C: "Hiiii Where are you?"   J:  I am right by the fountain don't you see me?   I say no and try to search harder.  Lots of people are around, however I usually can spot Ms. Coleman.   J:  Wait I see you... don't move!