
Showing posts from September, 2013

i am human. and sometimes i'm green.

hey, long time no blog right? i've been a little busy. there's a coworker on maternity leave, it's my "busy season" at work, i have a toddler, and i'm sewing a lot... and well, sometimes the blog just gets the back burner. and on that note, sometimes when people run circles around me i get green... green with envy. it's one of my worst traits. i really hate it, but i've realized it's a part of who i am and it's up to me to work at it. and, well hopefully some day conquer it. maybe? i've taken some grace in the fact that i'm human and it's somewhat of human nature, but i hate it. i don't want to be an jealous person. i have a good life and i'm blessed to the moon and back (whatever the heck that means anyway), but there are times i still want things i don't have and get envious of the people that have them, supposedly have them or supposedly have things come easy for them. the first step is recognizing and bei