
Showing posts from October, 2013


that word never used to be in my vocabulary. well unless it was like "my husband is napping." or "my husband naps." I never understood it. there was always so much to do and somehow I could just go go go. then I got pregnant. and it was all "it's 4pm and just got home from work and I can't keep my eyes open, don't talk to me until I wake up from this thing called a nap." (not to mention the other first trimester sleep issue of "holy crap growing a human takes a lot out of me, I need to go to bed at 9 p.m. or i'll need someone to wedge my eyes open.") I napped while pregnant. I was okay with it. I mean, like I said. growing a human = a lot of work. then I had this little person and since she didn't decide to sleep through the night regularly until maybe 13-14 months or so it was a mere survival to nap. prior to work "sleep when the baby sleeps" and maybe if I was lucky I could nap after getting home from w

21 & 22 & 23

hey little bird,  i'm likely going to leave not much update for month 24 aka 2 YEARS OLD, but oh well. you are still verbalizing new words like crazy. lots of talk with -ing words splashing jumping bumping singing dancing there are two things you don't repeat 1) curse words and 2) i love you. you seem like you are old enough to be talking in more full sentences, but at the same time you still seem so young to me. favorites or popular words: bye bye, see ya, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (hold it long with excitement!), boo, bing as you touch the wall by the stairs, dance, howareya?, shoes on, outside, diaper off....  some current examples i can think of right now. you took a liking to "la familia" and like to repeat it. apparently pretending we speak italian is fun.  you make it clear when you want independence or when you want to be lazy-ish. you say "hold" when you want anything and want to have control. (oh the apple doesn't fall far ki