
Showing posts from August, 2016

"Mom, I just spilled again!"

I was daydreaming how much I WILL miss these days. In the dank basement, I do the laundry. Every week I do the laundry... same in and out, lots of stains and BO and I'm dreaming about missing these days. Maybe it was a defense mechanism of the moment as a large part of me detests laundry. And as I put the last dirty item in the washer I hear "Mom, I just spilled again!" Ha, I think to myself. Of course you did. Because that's pretty much what happens every other day... someone spills someone (ahem, Ana) bit someone someone whines someone (ahem, Ana) tornados through the house getting into, well, everything someone leaves half the cereal in the bowl to waste someone thinks everything is a game. all day long someone doesn't want someone to touch their stuff (and it's my duty to find solutions) someone horse plays at bedtime someone needs something. With everyone returning to school and with pictures plastered over social media, I'm reminded how