
Showing posts from August, 2012

please excuse the mess

this is a familiar phrase i've learned to say about  the strewn toys and teethers around the house my car with all it's baby accoutrement Stella's diapers and now i shall use it on my blog. please excuse my mess while i tinker. i have less time to play on here all at once so bare with my changes - i plan to write about them later... you know, when i have more time to tinker. it's a temporary mess.

on blogging.

i took a break and had a priority shift. i want to blog, but i'm struggling to find the time and where it fits in my life. you see, when stella is around i don't have the attention to write. and to be honest, i'd rather play with her a lot of the time. the few of you that follow this guy are probably well aware that i have stepped aside for a bit.  and if you look at my posts by month you can tell a) when i went back to work b) when stella became mobile check out my numbers: feb - 11 mar - 9 april - 7 may - 5 june - 4 july - 2 i returned to work on feb 14 and stella started to ferociously crawl june 14, hence my lack of posts. although i shifted my priorities and stella has definiately 'one upped' my writing i still would like to keep this thing alive more than just a letter writing event for her. i certainly battled with the idea of just letting it go. my friend lindsay at littleonelove  posted this entry a while ago. at some