
Showing posts from July, 2014

and people think I'm crazy.

here it is. i really don't like summer all that much and people think i'm nuts. like any season there are things i do like. for example: summer work hours. the occasional dip in a pool. really intense lightning and thunder storms. parks and iced coffees. but overall i could live my life happily in the 70s. summer to me is kind of a bust and here's why........ i don't tan. i don't even want to tan anymore. i'm passed the point in my life where i'm going to seek out a tan whether it be by a cancer bed, a spray that comes off on my clothes or trying to get the perfect sunkist look from applying only a portion of sunscreen. nope. i embrace my whiteness. there is nothing i can do about it except keep it white. if i'm going to be white or red i'm choosing white and that is that. if i'm going to have to lather up my daughter who is fairer than i than i might as well douse myself in the sunscreen as well and set the standard. if she is going