on blogging.

i took a break
and had a priority shift.
i want to blog, but i'm struggling to find the time and where it fits in my life.

you see, when stella is around i don't have the attention to write.

and to be honest, i'd rather play with her a lot of the time.

the few of you that follow this guy are probably well aware that i have stepped aside for a bit. 

and if you look at my posts by month you can tell
a) when i went back to work
b) when stella became mobile

check out my numbers:

feb - 11
mar - 9
april - 7
may - 5
june - 4
july - 2

i returned to work on feb 14 and stella started to ferociously crawl june 14,

hence my lack of posts.

although i shifted my priorities and stella has definiately 'one upped' my writing i still would like to keep this thing alive more than just a letter writing event for her.

i certainly battled with the idea of just letting it go.

my friend lindsay at littleonelove posted this entry a while ago.
at some point, i wasn't getting inspiration when it came to the blogosphere. 
it got me thinking why do we do it?

i was looking at blogs and thinking 'god they look so perfect all the time'

to make our lives look interesting?
to show off the best pictures we take?
to compete to see who gets the most followers?
to make our blog look the best?

i was ready to throw in the towel now and then,

but i enjoy writing and decided this is an outlet that i miss.
and also this will be a challenge to me to stay present and grateful in my own life
rather than lust over other people's supposed perfection shown on screen.

i don't have the time to check as many blog posts, 

but at least i can keep writing mine for me,
free of competition.

with mister john's help i am going to set aside a whole hour, 

(a whole 60 minutes folks!) to devote to blogging a week. 
i think if i set uninterrupted time i will be able to write a little ditty or two here and there.

all these drafts i've started may be posted or may just be deleted as the content is too old 

or too hard to return to once i was interrupted.

no facebook.

no twitter.
no email.
no child.

just me and my keyboard plugging.

sounds nice doesn't it?

here's to attending to my hobbies post child!


Ma Mom said…
I have missed your creative posts. A whole hour to be creative and share is special.

Yeah! (for you and us)
Unknown said…
I feel you! I don't have a mobile child, but every life change causes a disruption to our schedules. Being women, we try to juggle more while sacrificing OUR stuff. Kudos to you. Keep what you love so you can be your best for those you LOVE.

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