and people think I'm crazy.

here it is.
i really don't like summer all that much and people think i'm nuts. like any season there are things i do like.
for example:
summer work hours.
the occasional dip in a pool.
really intense lightning and thunder storms.
parks and iced coffees.

but overall i could live my life happily in the 70s.
summer to me is kind of a bust and here's why........

i don't tan. i don't even want to tan anymore. i'm passed the point in my life where i'm going to seek out a tan whether it be by a cancer bed, a spray that comes off on my clothes or trying to get the perfect sunkist look from applying only a portion of sunscreen.
nope. i embrace my whiteness. there is nothing i can do about it except keep it white. if i'm going to be white or red i'm choosing white and that is that. if i'm going to have to lather up my daughter who is fairer than i than i might as well douse myself in the sunscreen as well and set the standard. if she is going to have to embrace it, i will too.

on that same turf though comes this other annoyance: since the "beauty standard" is tan (and in my mind i'm saying F&*# the beauty standard right now) and i'm white it still makes me annoyed that even with sunscreen i do get some color on my top half, but the bottom half is just stark white and always will be. the problem with this is i'm 2 colors in the summer; white on the bottom and off white on top. it's really neat. i get it, it's vain, but i'm being honest, it's annoying to me when i wear a dress and i'm 2 different shades. cool.

what's also nifty is shaving my legs every friggin day. i'm not one of those people that has the tiniest bit of hair on their legs or it's so thin that it doesn't show up. nope, not me. i have this cool, dark hair that grows back hours after i shave it. and i have sensitive skin too soooooooo every time i shave my legs i usually break out in bumps or razor burn. equally as neat as all the other things summer brings, like chaffing. so blinding legs with either black stubble or red bumps. loselose?

am i fit? yes. and i put effort into being fit too, it's not like i was born thin and eat whatever i want and i stay fit. believe me, i recently looked at some college pictures and said "buzz, your girlfriend. woof!" and cringed at the sight of the old self. but, even being fit, my thighs touch and chafe. sooo back to the above paragraph if i am lucky enough to NOT get razor burn it doesn't matter bc my thighs chafe and poof it's time for me to welcome my own red rashness.

what else goes good with razor burn and chaffing? sweat.
i'm a sweater. my mom and her whole dang side of the family enjoy 80 degree weather and don't sweat. they could be outside on the deck and wear long sleeve shirts and jeans and be comfortable. i know it's the same gene pull, but folks, i don't share any of their sweat gland genes. zero. zilch. when it's a little bit hot, in my body it's really hot. like can't wait to pull out a tissue and wipe the sweat from the itty bitty cleavage i have. or like blow a fan on me now before i lose my shit. i'm not sure what i would do if i actually had average sized breasts in summer (perhaps fill out a bathing suit?)

but really i'd rather have semi hairy legs covered by a pair of jeans, a simple shirt, windows open, breezy crisp fall days for the duration of summer or 75% of the year. if i need a tan or a bathing suit, i'll head out of town...

so this lovely temperate, easy, breezy weather of the last week is amazing. stick around. forever maybe?


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