30+ months

yes i'm still counting in months...

stella, you are a little human. there are so many big changes lately i can't even keep up.
we started to train you on the potty in a really relaxed way. you started showing interest again and then went a couple of times. i gave you a "treat" afterwards until i ran out of muffins, cupcakes, ice cream etc. I had to scour the house for "bad" food and then finally went to mnm's in case this potty thing is sticking. you are slowly making progress, but progress is progress. still a little freaked out about pooping.

you got a new RX for your glasses at the beginning of august and it seems to be doing great! you are such a pro at all your eye dr. visits. we started tinkering with vision therapy and going to try to integrate little things into your day, but overall you the activities are a little young.

your sleeping. hmmmmm. i can't say you are consistent, but there is progress. more often then not you are sleeping well. on vacation, in the high twin bed you slept and napped amazing. i'm sure the heat and play had something to do with it, but you stayed in that bed and didn't really fuss about losing a baba or a minnie. when you do wake it's usually because you can't find the annoying sweet minnie or ridiculous soothing baba. thsi sleeping through the night comes with a 930/10pm bedtime. it's not the end of the world, but i do wish you'd be able to fall asleep alone like 845/9pm. OR just fall asleep alone at whatever time... tiptoeing out of the room is getting old.

we went through a puking phase for almost a month. you were sick for the first time (meaning pukey sick) in 2.5 years. so while that was good it was a lot of nights with puking and dry heaving. so much so that you would wake up and no the routine of what to do with pukes coming on... that was awful and we felt so badly for you. i think we are over that hurdle and we are more cognizant of what we feed you since we believe you to have a sensitive tummy. and when you would eat crappy food (papa john's pizza, greasy bacon or similar stuff) you'd have some digestive problems so we are keeping you away as much as we have the power to..................

your sentences and communication once again amaze me. every parent thinks their child is the most amazing thing, but it really is so cool to watch you progress into a little working human. your brain wheels turning is entertainment in itself. it's fun because i can have a normal conversation with you: 
"what did you do with pawpaw today?" and you will proceed to tell me the things you played.

you are still working on your grammar (duh) and will say "did you feed dad a blueberry?" instead of "i fed dadda a blueberry". lots of declarative sentences are questions with you, but we know what you mean. it's cute, but i still try to correct you.

you are totally obvious when you do something wrong. you either look at me out of the corner of your eyes to see if i am going to scold you or you come and tell me what you think i will say:
for instance: you ripped a bunch of pages out of a book and you ran to me and said "hey! what are you doing in there?!" as if you wanted me to say that.
you actually do this quite often even if it's not something wrong. likkkke:
me: "let me check your diaper."
you: "it's dry, no it's dry."
i get done checking it and you turn to me and go "Yep it's dry" as if that's what you wanted me to say.
you also aren't shy when you want someone to compliment you. if you have your toe and fingernails done you are quick to flash them at someone in hopes that they tell you they like your manicure ha!

there's a little timidness around other kids in getting what you want and fighting for it (minus your cousins), but this sounds like a comfort level thing. you love the other kids at the park, but we are still in mostly the parallel play unless an older kid is instructing.

you love to wear dresses. which is totally cool except you have a lot of cute (IMO) leggings, shorts and shirts. every day it's "no stella want to wear a dress" "mommy wear a dress. mommy be a princess." it's so bizarre to me how you are obsessed with princesses, but we don't promote or talk about them unless you bring them up. it's impossible to keep them away though as they are at the store and you have a "polite as a princess" book. it's not bad, but i wish they had some more princesses that didn't look like runway models. that's what i find irritating above all. 
BUT the good news is that your definition of a princess is wearing a dress or a skirt. the other day you said "daddy's a princess" when he wears a towel around his waist and apparently i'm a dwarf when i wear pants. ha!
so, overall it's innocent and it's mind boggling the marketing that works so easily on a 2 year old when we are some of the least commercial people i know. i can't control what is in the stores. i can't control what toys you see at cousins and friends houses. i can't control what you are drawn to. so there's that.

food. love carbs. love cheese. (my kinda girl). love fruit. papa's sauce is always a number 1 and i think you'd eat it for days if we'd let you. still eat salad and veggies too, but you are slow to try something unknown. this is what i find a little frustrating bc there are some foods i really think you will like, but since it's new you are shy to even give it a chance. #annoying.

you run to your grandparents with excitement even if you saw them the day before. i swear, every initial meeting is like a holiday for you! which i do love...
you also love your neighbors which is totally cool since there's not a ton of kids your age so you hang out with adults. hey it works. 

you are a fish. love the water - all.the.time! on vacation you practically wanted us to drown you so you could see you couldn't swim alone. stubborn little fishy. you'd kick and fight us and say "swim by yourself. stella want to swim by yourself!" sigh. don't worry you didn't drown. you are kind of fearless with the sand and the ocean, but i always love that about your free spirit. 

playing ball with dada is a hit along with inviting the 'tickle monster' to come out. there's always excitement to snuggle dada in the morning and you get a burst of energy when he gets home in the evening.  your pretend play is taking off too. you have the little people in a house, blocks and cars and it's so funny to hear your conversations with yourself about what they are doing. 

you have an obsession with the holy family hahaha. no really, you really like to talk about baby jesus, mary and joseph. we aren't real religious over here so i find it hysterical. you enjoy playing "baby jesus in the manger" aka the laundry basket. you are baby jesus and i'm of course, mother mary. and we wait for the 3 kings to come and they bring you all kinds of gifts in the house. one day they brought you every toy in the family room. that was fun.

other favorites:
checking out the train tracks near our house
blowing bubbles
play dough and telling people what to make for you!!!
color forms

favorite books:
the 3 snow bears
the gingerbread baby
arthur books
animals brightly colored
little neighbors of sunnyside street
polite as a princess (i changed some of the words i didn't agree with...)
i can do it!

you could do school in the Fall if we pushed it, but your birthday is in NOV and your potty training isn't complete so we will wait. I have thoughts about getting you into something 2 days a week, but i don't think it will hurt anyone to have you start next September on your way to 4 years old. (Did I just say 4 years old?~! that will be here before we know it).

you are turning into a grown up 1 day at a time. 
maybe i'll get another update in before you are 40+ months................. the blog just isn't a priority kid. l
ove you birdie girl.


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