because my midwife said so.

not exactly how i should label a post, but sort of how i feel...

while meeting with my midwife i was mentioning a few things about this pregnancy and she suggested that i keep a baby journal. 
"Doh!" i thought as if it wasn't already on my radar.  

you see, it's not that i haven't wanted to write to this child, it's that finding the time and energy to write things is just more tiring since it's not just work, work out, do what i want sorta schedule like it was to some degree with stella. also, sorry mister second child, but i wasn't feeling the urge to document things like i did the first time around. 

i did start a letter to egg noddle sandwich, but it was kind of more of a mean note to him telling him how i'm tired of him making me feel like poop. how's that for mother of the year? already telling the poor child they are annoying me and haven't physically met yet.

so because i respect my midwife and because i want to have something documented for this pregnancy here goes...

Dear Bobby Shaftoe,

i'm calling you this because your sister is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally into nursery rhymes and there's a bobby shaftoe in one. we sometimes tell her we will name you bobby shaftoe. you'll be pleased that she doesn't approve. 

now looking back on this pregnancy with you, it's been rougher from the start. ok well, 6 weeks on the dot. waves of all day and night nausea (thanks), nap necessity, food aversions, gagging, thought food aversions, smell aversions came in full swing and didn't leave until... some we are still waiting on.

i was hoping magic week 12 would be magical. 
it wasn't.
BUT i did feel a lot better that week, but it wasn't "all better". from week 12-16 i experienced night time nausea. like late afternoon until i would be graced with sleep. my friend (google) told me that this is common (really?) and some women wrote about eating crackers and cheese or cereal for dinner and a large bfast instead. it helped. some food aversions and smell aversions still exist and likely will stay until you enter the world (awesome). last time the gagging stayed all the time too (so fun). but here i am, somewhere around week 16 i think and i'm feeling better most the day and night although i haven't been able to feel the need not to shut my eyes (at least) for 20 minutes. while it's hard NOT to compare, i just thought i would have more energy by now and be entering the 'fat and happy' stage.
i *think i'm close. 
i hope.

the other thing i mentioned to my care provider was that when i am at rest (laying down for a nap or to sleep for the night) my heard beats out of my chest. like can't sleep bc it goes so fast and so strong. (picture the scene from Dumb and Dumber when Jim Carey rips the beating heart out of the cooks chest and it pulses in his hand... that is what it feels like every night).
a little alarming right?

one night, i was like man, ok this can't be normal. all i want to do is sleep but my beating heart is keeping me awake (sound like an oxymoron?). so to my friend (google) i went. (totally breaking the rules of pregnancy or illness aka 'stay away from google' instead text your friend melanie and she will tell you all you need to know in google cliffs notes so you don't think you are having a heart attack...). but, it was ok. google said this too is also common (ok, no? really?) in 2nd trimester pregnancy and can be linked to an iron deficiency. so i told ms. midwife and she said i was correct with the iron, but i'd have to do a blood test when i see my care provider if not improved. she gave me some tips about how to increase my iron as well.

i hope you like molasses, kid. i've been drinking a tablespoon of black strap molasses in hot water with a dabble of honey every morning. it tastes like a tea, but let's be honest, it's nothing to write home about. i've also added an iron supplement and being more cognizant of adding spinach or kale in. it's hard tho, bc sometimes salad sounds great and then after i eat it i gag in the bathroom (if i make it there). not sure if it's the texture, taste, aftertaste... but often it's gagfest. here's to trying.

i am happy to report my heart beating has improved. it's not gone, but if feels like it's less intense.

i'm hoping to increase my protein too. all these foods i'm "supposed" to eat sound terrible this time. i think i was downing protein shakes with stella to get enough of the 100 or so grams a day i need. 

as much as i'm excited about you, sometimes it's hard to focus on the positive because of the way i feel. i know people would kill to be in my shoes, but at the same time when i was nauseous i would kill to be in a mom's shoes that only felt tired and no naus in pregnancy. grass will always be greener in some form i suppose.

i've been able to feel you move in the last couple weeks so that makes more of a connection and has been nice. you are already the 2nd child though, not enough time to document every little detail of every first thing. sorry bobby shaftoe.

it is fun to see your sister with a baby though. i don't know how interested she would be long term, but she does like to help! (hurray!) i'm counting on that haha! she talks about you a lot and about sharing her toys with you. your room is currently her "play room" so we've started calling it baby brother's room so it's less of a rude awakening when you arrive. although she certainly can still play in there since you will be a little bit of a newt for a while not really doing much. 

so little love, i'm sorry this isn't all that mushy. i'm just not feeling all that mushy so far this time. in the mean time, i'm doing my best to keep you safe and fed (10pm cereal hour heyyyO!) and well loved... as much as a little dingle can be loved right now.

here's to the 'fat and the happy' bobby shaftoe! although i'm still leery about the fat.
x's and o's
mama egg noodle

here's a shot of you around 16 weeks. sorry for my lack of better counting.
4 months going on 7....


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