hi ana!
happy first birthday!!
of course i started 50 blogs to you and about you, but never followed through. so the last, i don't know, 6 months or so might be wrapped up here?! 

it has been so fun seeing your little personality emerge even though you have shown you have quite the temper and impatience as your sister. (oh boy, another red headed temper, sweet!) but, i really do love seeing you, the ana who was chill and mostly quiet and observer ana for so long. the last 2 months or so you have transformed into a being that wants so badly to communicate even more so than you know how.

here are my notes on you and your changes this year, but mostly the last 2-4 months:

*you started crawling right around 9 months. it's more of an army crawl, but that's what you prefer. i rarely see you lift your big ole bottom up :) 
although lately you've been lifting one leg like you are showing an interest in walking. a master puller-upper and think you are so cool when you pull up on anything and move around.

*you were a holiday champ. i was so worried about your disposition and that you would freak out all holiday from being off your schedule, but if you were around mostly daddy and me you were overall pretty happy

*i'll never forget your wintery chapped little face. poor little egg, but thank goodness that's gone now. 

*i thought your sister loved music, but honestly i think you love it more! holy cow do you enjoy anything musical and love to rock and "dance". even when you just play with bells and ring them it gives you such delight and already a fan of the piano. when we are in the play room you dart to the piano, lift yourself up and press the buttons to try to see if it's on and then get really excited about it!!

*now your words are changing daily, but what i know to date: mama, dada, lel-lah or yel-lah (stella), hi, papa... most of your other sounds are frequent but not much of a meaning: puhpuhpuh, tsss tsss, bopbopbop, goiy-ah goiy-ah, AHHHHH (squeal if you don't get your way)... this one is popular. oiy.

*you hate your diaper changed. you used to hate taking medicine, but i found if i give you the dispenser and you put it in your mouth and i squirt it a little at a time you are agreeable. (another control freak i suppose, sheesh!)

*you love food now!!! who knew this would ever happen; beans, cucumber, apple, carrots, avocado, ham, chicken, beef, red potatos, soup, yogert, puffs, roast, chili, pasta and sauce, mac and cheese, bread, pizza...
you kind of eat (or try) anything, but LOOOOVE meat. ha my little carnivore. stella is my herbivore. you love my sausage tortellini soup, papaws sauce and daddy's chili and uncle bryan's chili. you scream if i can't get the spoon in your mouth fast enough. 

*you are a mama's girl through and through. 
you will go to others (family) when i am not around, but if i am in sight, you take a close cover. it's endearing and sweet, but difficult sometimes bc i hate giving you to someone and then you screaming. this too shall pass... 
you also are offended if daddy comes home and doesn't acknowledge or hold you pretty quickly.

*still on the 2 a day naps (10-12p and 330-5p) and bedtime around 745/8p. you pretty much scream bloody murder when i put you down at night, but it's short then you end up going to sleep. why do babies fight sleep... like, hello? do you know how lucky you are? at night you were a rock star for a while, but then started getting like 4-5 teeth at once and got up a million times and we seem to be in a bad habit now. i'm hoping you get back to the old ways of sleeping soon, but i can't imagine teeth cutting through your gums would be a nice feeling.

*nursing machine. you are doing it like it's going out of style still, but drinking more from cups and sippys and with the food it's nice to know you don't need it as much and feel like it's going a little less lately so that's nice overall for me. you also like giving me hilarious raspberries on my shoulder. ...and again very forcefully. 

you just light up when she is around and call her name. sometimes when you get up in the morning i hear you say her name in your crib or when you are half asleep going to bed trying to keep yourself awake too. it's so sweet. 
one of my favorite things to watch is you opening your door in the morning, crawling next door, pushing hers open and crawling up to her bedside and bouncing up and down at the edge of her bed. it's like you've conquered the world finding her! it's hilarious and adorable.

*you LOVE babies and kids, but mostly babies. when Elisha was over you screamed over and over bc I wouldn't let you crawl into his car seat with him while he was sleeping. when visiting my friend in Columbus you followed Annie (a week younger) around trying to tackle and hug her. And if i pulled you away you'd shriek with irritation. poor babies must be scared :) 

*we enjoy the outside more now that the weather has broken and you like being with your sister for stroller rides. i think you will love the swimming pool since you are OBSESSED with the bath tub! you hear water and start making a B-line for the tub and practically throw yourself in there. 

*you aren't walking, but you are pulling yourself up on things that are strong enough to hold you. i'm excited for you to free stand (close) and walk. i think it will be a nice independence for both of us. you LOVE the bouncer... very forceful little gal. 

*it's common for you to graze the rooms and play with stella's toys and eat dirt and food off the floor. (hey, i try, but i can only sweep the dang floor so much). you aren't as interested in books as much as stella. you like to turn the pages and eat them. perhaps you'll like the stories in a year or so. 

this is what sticks out to me right now. 
i can and can't believe you are ONE! i'm so happy and love this older stage a bit more, but there is a certain sadness i didn't feel with stella. only because you may or may not be my last. it makes your clinging to me easier to accept knowing your snuggles won't last forever so i'm trying to remember to savor them and just take them. 

i love seeing how proud you are of yourself for your little milestones. i can't imagine life without you and there's so much more to unfold. love you so, so much, curly red.
happy ONE!


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