
Stella is 4 1/2.
These are what I could muster up to track the past 6-12 months... I should write the fiesty things she says too... most of these are loving and adorable to me haha!

"You know what I am going to dream about? I'm going to dream about Jesus. I'm going to dream about Jesus coming back to life as a boy angel. And Great PaPaw too."

"Oh, I'm sorry Daddy. I guess you'll have to share Mommy's coffee."
-In a low toned sad voice after spilling all of John's coffee on the carpet.

"I got in trouble today. Beff (Beth) put my on the stool by the snack table."
-In regard to getting in trouble from distracting Dalia from her work. (Gotta love how honest she is!!)

"I love my special time with Papaw."

"AJ asks me 'why do you like me so much?!'"
-We take it she likes AJ at school.

"I know, I can re-trace my steps wiff you!"
-In regard to losing something and me being annoyed because she's crying and I told her to figure it out because I'm out of ideas.

"Mommy! Something beautiful happened! You have to come see!"
-In reference to all the leaves falling off the tree one morning.

"I'm fankful for all of this food and a perfect day with my Mommy, my sister and my Daddy. A great day."

"Thank you for making this dinner mommy and daddy." And proceeds to go around the table and give hugs.

"Look at this! For Christ's sake!"

"I like your belly Mommy. I like your belly because it's soft. And wrinkly too. Area you going to have another baby mommy?"

"Still Janie!" "I'm not Stella!"
- In regard to the family being characters of It's A Wonderful Life through out portions of the day and can only call her by her stage name at the time.
-Stella is NEVER a character when she pees or poops because they never show them going to the bathroom.

"There are 3 'keep it up's'
"You forgot the keep it up and you'll go to your room!"
-In regard to me saying "Keep it up, meaning holding a board up high for me and also saying keep it up - for doing good work and the 3rd one: keep it up or you will go to your room.

"Mommy you farted. That's not very royal."

"Great PaPaw and Nana are surprised to have a new pet!"
-In regard to her class pet, Carrot dying and joining them in heaven.

"I know what we can do! We can have all the builders build houses for the people who don't have anything!"
-In regard to me telling her we have a nice house and are blessed and some people don't have a house.

"You damn it girl! Why don't you go!"
-You can see who has the potty mouth in the house! ... She tried to use it in context ha.

"I love everything you do for me."
Right before bed. And then my heart died from love.

"Your singing makes me make bad choices."
Little does she know people pay me to sing... good thing it doesn't make other people make bad choices...

"You're really talented!"
-About my handstand against the wall doing yoga

"I'm really hungry! I'm 100 feet hungry!!!"


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