"Don't {f*&^ing} worry about the rest"

"Good day, mate!" said the Australian presenter at the Kauai Therapists Retreat. She quickly matter-of factly noted that yes, she's from Australia, but no one says 'good day, mate', so... don't say it. I laughed. She was unintentionally quick witted and confident. I knew of this person via my husband's "late" podcast, but never really thought I was going to meet any of the people he had spread across the US (and apparently beyond). This is the long back story to the short front story.

You see, it was the second day of the retreat. We went to see a canyon in the morning and didn't have a lot of in between time for the allotted lunch time. (Although "Hawaiian time" is a real thing). I found it necessity to shower and once presentable to my standards, meandered downstairs unable to locate my husband (or the coveted food truck to which we put in our orders). No reply to calls and texts, I aimlessly wandered about the hotel lobby and stumbled upon Jo, (the Aussie I referred to above).

I casually made conversation as we both couldn't locate the people we were supposed to be with at the time or the food...
I was genuinely interested in her work and she was candid about her business accomplishments and prosperity. I inquired if she ever worked as a coach to non-clinician-y type folks which led into (thanks to that late appointment) me reaping the benefits of her second nature coaching off the cuff coming through. It was about 15 minutes, but it brought some real clarity in the accident of "talking it out".

"What do you do? Are you an artist?"

Well, I'm a mom... they are 7 and 3.5, but yes I am indeed someone who lives to make art and create meaningful work.
I have/had a sewing business. (I probably made myself smaller by saying "I have a small sewing business").
I suffer from the two-edged curse of "too many interests" coupled with most of my life "I can be 'pretty good' at almost everything I try."
We talked about my art and interests. She asked me if I write. "I used to," I replied. I told her about my stagnant blog and how I, that very morning, got an email notification about changing and saving some settings due to lack of use. It was kind of the old if you don't use it you lose it type email... How interesting that the universe would send me that email right then?!

I could see it in her face. An undercover excitement that we navigated to the next step. She asked me if I will commit to writing. "I'm going to challenge you. Just write, don't monetize, don't worry about the rest, just write about this. Write about what your experience, where you are going, start the conversation and after a while, the message will become more clear."

In such a short exchange I felt revived and proceeded to tell her I should pay her for this session I stumbled into. "Oh, no, please don't she said with a laugh." I thanked her for the new found motivation and proceeded to joyfully find my hubby...
by the food truck!! (And don't worry he wasn't ignoring me, his phone died!)

And that's what this is... I'm taking the advise of "don't worry about the rest" as my inner peanut gallery is piping up in terms of it's not the look I want, the name I want, sifted through, edited right...on and on and on... it's flawed...
BUT I'm here and I'm going to press publish.  It's a small commitment to Jo, because I'm big on my word and I take challenges seriously, but it's a large commitment to myself.

The "Hawaiian time" didn't help Jo and her appointment schedule while she was in paradise, but I have to say I'm happy I stumbled into the wrong time slot at the right time.

Do you currently have a commitment to yourself? What is it? How are you keeping yourself accountable?


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