hurdles [breastfeeding]

so since the TIME cover hype is out and about
i guess i could introduce more bfeeding bloggies right?

the TIME cover was brilliant marketing.
i don't agree with the picture depicting attachment parenting and bfeeding at all,
but i will say from a marketing pt. of view those cats knew what they were doing.
but seriously let's get over it.

if someone wants to bfeed their 3 year old, let em.
it's not your business.
i may have judged more so, prior to bfeeding myself, and i can honestly say i don't think have the tenacity or desire to continue bfeeding til age 3, 
but if someone does it and it works for their family, so be it.

aside from that, i wanted to share my bfeeding experience before we hear from the other lovely mothers that shared for me.

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my personal thoughts on breastfeeding...

well, i knew i was going to do it.
even if it hurt.
even if it was annoying.
even if i felt tied down.
it was something i was going to sacrifice no matter what.
the 'no matter what-giving up is not an option' kind of no matter what.

lucky for me i had a great support system.
my midwives, doula and sister were there from the start 
and i knew they were only a phone call away no matter the hour.
my sister got me a lactation consultant volunteer
to come to my house, 
to my bedroom,
at 10 p.m. at night.
my midwives both came and checked on my progress/issues during those first 2 weeks post partum.
my doula was my email buddy.

and this is not including my bfeeding friends that offered to assist me
answer questions, root me on.

i had maybe 2 weeks of "issues"
and those issues were normal for 2 people learning to bfeed in a society where
no one really knows how bfeeding works because
'god forbid someone bfeeds in public' and we learn how this works.

the first two weeks equaled:
a) having so much milk i didn't know what to do with
b) my nipples hurt from an initial poor latch

both of my bfeeding hurdles were normal and completely solve-able.
a) once my body knew how much milk to make for stella's intake after a week or so we were
b) we saw a cranial sacral therapist who improved stella's latch in 1 WEEK
and my support system made it easy to keep going.

the body is a pretty amazing thing.
it knows how to regulate it's own milk production based how much your child eats.
when your baby feeds it is telling your body to produce milk,
when your baby doesn't feed your body is being told to dry up bc no baby is taking it in
(so those middle of the night feeds are worth it for a nice supply in the long run!!)

i was unsure about bfeeding to start, like unsure in the "will i like this?" sort of way,
but like i said, formula wasn't in my vocabulary and wasn't an option for me
so i sought out a great support system early and they were able to fix the problems of latch
and i just carried a small towel around with me for 1-2 weeks until my boobs weren't ridiculously full.
it's not like i had major plans 2 weeks post pardum anyway-
 besides a date with my pajama pants and baby.

and that is my best advice to anyone learning or seeking out bfeeding: SUPPORT.

once i got over the hurdles which luckily for me were very minor, i truly got why people love it.
i know i will be repeating some here, but some are worth repeating:

*5.5 months post partum i'm 2 lbs below pre preggo weight.
and i know i wouldn't be this weight if just working out sans bfeeding.
remember when i said the body is pretty sweet?
yea, the body knows to contract your uterus faster when you bfeed.

*i didn't get the bonding thing before bfeeding and it's truly wonderful.
i love to snuggle her and she loves to snuggle me when she eats.
and you don't have to hold a bottle.

*convenience. seriously, never have to pack or warm a bottle.
ready made food that doesn't take up any space in your diaper bag, just your bra.
...i've bfed while shopping,
i've bfed while cheering john to the finish line in the half marathon,
(she was in the ergo and i no one knew. booyah.)
i've bfed while watching the superbowl with friends and again no one knew...
badda bing badda boom in my book.

*um, it doesn't cost anything.
like, free.

*i can work while i pump on the job and it really doesn't take long for me at all.
(i don't know if this is the case for everyone, but i put my sign up and reply to some emails while
supplying my child with nutritious food)
and side note: it's a law for every employer to offer a clean space with a lock for a bfeeding moma.

*on nutrition, it's the best thing i can give my baby.
my body is making food for the sole purpose of feeding stella.

*in the wee hours i didn't have to get up out of bed to feed her.

(ok depends on your baby set up, but we have a co sleeper... see picture)
i roll her towards me, she latches, i pat her back and roll her back

... all the while you can stay some what 1/2 asleep.
and every last wink is important!!

*they make enough cute nursing clothes to make it easy acces while you can still look cute.
remember my nursing post!

i know for every pro there is a con, but after doing it a couple of months it's so second nature and NBD.
sure, i'm "on call" those first couple months, but heck i wanted to spend them with my girl anyway.
i'm still "on call" a little bit, but if i can leave a bottle and pump upon return to keep my supply groovin.
i make sure i don't miss too much time to keep my supply up, but
once you & your baby have the hang of it it's so efficient.
and really, easy.

my tale with bfeeding was pretty much ease.
i know people that have had lots of hurdles and stuck it out.

i know my way isn't the only way, but i'd rather pocket that $200-$400 per month on formula any day.

if anyone has bfeeding issues i am happy to chat it out with you.


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