21 & 22 & 23

hey little bird, 

i'm likely going to leave not much update for month 24 aka 2 YEARS OLD, but oh well.

you are still verbalizing new words like crazy. lots of talk with -ing words

there are two things you don't repeat 1) curse words and 2) i love you.

you seem like you are old enough to be talking in more full sentences, but at the same time you still seem so young to me. favorites or popular words: bye bye, see ya, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (hold it long with excitement!), boo, bing as you touch the wall by the stairs, dance, howareya?, shoes on, outside, diaper off.... 
some current examples i can think of right now. you took a liking to "la familia" and like to repeat it. apparently pretending we speak italian is fun. 

you make it clear when you want independence or when you want to be lazy-ish. you say "hold" when you want anything and want to have control. (oh the apple doesn't fall far kid....). you'd rather me carry you down the stairs bc you know it's quicker you conquered the word "help" and probably overuse it now. instead of figuring it out you often squeal "help help help" when you are frustrated. i'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but you can express yourself great none the less. you got your knee stuck in your crib a few days ago and were crying more than normal in the morning. you were quick to tell me "stuck stuck stuck" so it was easy to access what was wrong.

not eating with utensils all the time. you are capable of using them, but again, often just hold it and use your fingers ... taking the easy way out. (don't let that bit you in the butt later). ugh! you are getting pickier. still eating veges: carrots, peppers (still a fav), peas, sometimes tomatoes and broccoli, but more often than not you have been turning them away unless it's peppers. you'd live off of fruit if we'd let you and always like bread and usually crackers. you are becoming your own vegetarian though. you now decline chicken, beef and other mean except bacon strips 99% of the time. i'm somewhat baffled, but whatever you still are eating pretty good. i'm struggling to look into more interesting things to eat. you've even turned down cheese lately sooooooooo fruits, veges, beans, nuts, and PBJ are the main groups. i know it's not bad, but wondering how and if there is a way to expand your food choices that are healthy. ideas anyone?

im working on weaning. i tried to push it earlier and it just didn't work. so i quit pushing. now before bed and sometimes naps we lay down together and snuggle instead of any nursing. it's been working most of the time and i like being able to snuggle close (and sometimes i get a quick nap too). the last nurse to go will be the morning. i'm around, you are around and you really love it. i'm happy we are decreasing, not because i'm embarrassed, but because i was just getting a little tired of doing it. there's no effort, but i didn't feel like nursing all the time. we are in a good spot for now. 

i moved the potty seat upstairs into the bathroom you sit on it sometimes, but overall uninterested and would rather fill your pants in a private corner. whatever you are only almost 2 and i'm actually not in a hurry even though diapers are neat.

you enjoy painting and coloring and most pictures turn into pawpaw. we are working on colors- we have orange down and most of the time we get brown and purple right. you like to guess with green and blue, but those primary colors aren't registering yet. i'm not really sure when you are "supposed" to know this crap, but i'm a nerd and like to incorporate educational stuff into your toys and days. 

you love music, but you do not like when people around you sing. maybe you are a music snob? you're even particular about what is playing in the car. you quickly say "no no no no no" to certain songs until i change the song or station until you approve. you already own the radio and selections before age 2. crazy. when your favorite mumford and songs, lumineers, monsters and men and ray lamontagne songs come on you run to dada or me and say "dance dance dance" until we give in to your lil commands. you can't wait to get our of your dinner chair if a favorite song comes on - legit pretend you are "all done" and want to get out to dance. you are repeating song lyrics more and more especially with patty griffin and mumford and ray's Jolene! it's kind of awesome. i hope you can remember lyrics better than i can. it's also adorable to listen to you learn to sing and emulate singing sounds. i'm not sure if you will have a singing voice, but you are trying out the right sounds.

favorite books currently:  Excuse Me, Go Dog Go, Green Eggs and Ham, Turtle Book, Minnie Magazine. You also like to pick out the books and say "reading reading reading" which means you want to "read" it on your own. i've started reading the book to you and you tell me "no" because you want to page through and read on your own, pointing out the objects you know. i have to admit you are obsessed with Sammy the Turtle Movie and love turtles. you just might be a turtle for Halloween kid. we joined the zoo and it's been great taking you to see the animals. 

action is still a name of the game. there are nights where you run around the house saying "running" and stop to give dada and i a hug over and over again. i very much encourage you wearing yourself out prior to bedtime. we play outside a lot, but i sort of stink at getting out some outdoor "toys" ... i just keep forgetting when we go inside, but you are still happy with sticks, rocks, leaves and nature so that's cool. the park down the street is a pretty nice perk too. 

now you didn't really have a prayer when it comes to patience and obstinancy. your dada and i are sort of a work in progress with these and you are my constant reminder to take a deep breath. sometimes you get so upset over nothing or the littlest things. i'm not really sure even what sets you off. i try to have you mimic my deep breaths. sometimes it works depending on how upset you were. sharing is not something we are close to conquering- when does that happen again? when other kids are touching a toy you want you tell them "no no. bye bye" because you want them to leave. same goes for people petting animals. apparently you think you are the only one to pet the animals.

even as a hot and cold gal, you are a large lover. you give LOTS of hugs and "teesis" aka kisses. you snuggle your dolls and animals and give me the best, longest hugs~! i'm so lucky to have such a lover with the best squeezes!

and oh yea, you love mary!

i'm so excited you are almost 2! you are learning so much and i know this year will be full of more fun and learning! i heart you lots.



Ma Mom said…
Wait, you love mamaw. As always it is a joy to see the spot on recap! But "bing" and touching the ceiling is our secret. Hey, she didn't understand secret! That is our special joy. Good to know she tells you "no" singing; thought it was my off-keyy voice. And love her beginning to sing, lalaladeela.

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