
that word never used to be in my vocabulary.
well unless it was like "my husband is napping." or "my husband naps."

I never understood it.
there was always so much to do and somehow I could just go go go.

then I got pregnant.
and it was all "it's 4pm and just got home from work and I can't keep my eyes open, don't talk to me until I wake up from this thing called a nap." (not to mention the other first trimester sleep issue of "holy crap growing a human takes a lot out of me, I need to go to bed at 9 p.m. or i'll need someone to wedge my eyes open.")

I napped while pregnant. I was okay with it.
I mean, like I said. growing a human = a lot of work.

then I had this little person and since she didn't decide to sleep through the night regularly until maybe 13-14 months or so it was a mere survival to nap. prior to work "sleep when the baby sleeps" and maybe if I was lucky I could nap after getting home from work. that was hard though bc it was a lot to juggle...

now with a toddler, naps are amazing. and essential.
I never fully appreciated the art of napping until recently.
my toddler typically naps for 2 hours. sometimes I am lucky enough to utilize the full 2 hours to "get stuff done" aka sew, but sometimes it is imperative that i shut my eyes for 20-30 minutes in order to not crash and burn right when she wakes up.

3 p.m. is when I typically crash.
while i'm turning into a coffee (mocha or froofroo coffee) drinker, it's a habit I can't afford and I know in the end it's a quick pick me up that doesn't last. (but dang it tastes good...).  most days that I am home at 3 p.m. (or at work) I realize how amazing I feel after a small siesta.
also lovingly known as a nap.

sooooo I say to you dear husband, I finally get the art of napping.
I hope you forgive me for the countless times I snuffed you for napping.
the things I used to "get done" really aren't that important in hindsight.

and I say to you dear birdie, thank you for giving mama two hours of your nap. you've helped me appreciate this new found pick me up and in turn I can better keep up with your fast paced self.

if only the US would now catch on to the European ways of siesta-ing.


Auntie Sandy said…
Yay for naps!

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