i like age 3.

age 3. it's a really tough age, but i have to admit it's so interesting because of the conversation and expression piece - it's like we were kicked into high gear and all the sudden you erupted into a more mature being!

my sweet stella and her eyes... we had such a great month of her seeing 3D and using her eyes together. cross-free! we got the "no surgery" go ahead and the dr. was even impressed how quickly she progressed.  BUT, then after almost a month on the dot she regressed back to crossing so back to the patch and stronger glasses RX we went. she's still crossing with the new RX so in march we will have a surgery conversation, but in the mean time we are more drawn to vision therapy. surgery, cosmetically will fix her eyes and make them straight, but it doesn't train her to use her eyes together... meaning...
she won't be seeing 3D or any better or much better. she also might have a hard time reading and judging depth which if i have anything to do with it, i want to try to train her brain to see correctly so when it comes time to read she won't be seeing letters flying off the pages or falling more than she may otherwise. and in short, seeing the world in 3D!
when john took her to get her new glasses after 2 days without them she said "i can see now!" so it's apparent wearing the glasses can make a difference and it makes sense that she napped both days for about 3 hours. her poor little eyes were working harder! (i sometimes wonder if this is why i have a really good napper ha!)

this little girl is transforming so much before our eyes. there are so many times john and i just look at each other like "where did she learn that?!" or "did she just say that?" having a toddler really puts you in your place when it comes to your communication. all of the sudden you'll be hearing the things you say regularly and you don't even realize:

"wait a minute"
"somethings going on here!" or "what's going on here?"
"god damn it, it's not working!"
 and the list goes on...

sometimes i can't believe how much of a good girl you are, becoming such a helper too! it's like certain things i've asked you to do before you do on your own now. (i guess that's what happens ...)
but, don't take this as you don't put up a fight sometimes. sometimes everything has to be a game in order for cooperation. 3 years old is so interesting and it's such a HUGE leap and bound from 2 that it amazes me. i guess this is why a lot of people start school around 3.

on that note, we signed you up for a semester of school! an opportunity fell in our lap and it rounds out to about 2 hours a day/1 day a week, but i think it's perfect for introducing you into school in Fall without a parent or caregiver by your side. you say you are excited and i'm excited to see how you do and how it goes!

you are starting to be okay with having a sister now. it took awhile for you to say baby sister, but now you alternate between talking about baby sister and baby brother. apparently i have baby brother in my belly and you have baby sister in yours. i hope you aren't terribly disappointed when baby sister doesn't come out of you! you actually seem excited about helping with your baby ana and reference changing her diaper, rocking her and nursing her (ha!). i know your little world is going to be rocked in some capacity, but i hope it's still exciting for you too.

holy 3 year old melt downs. i don't think 2 year olds have melt downs after dealing with some of the ridiculous things that go on at age 3. while i talk about you being a good little egg most the time, there are still times you lose your sh@%. after reading this article i realized this is ok. i legit was getting worried that you have some disorder bc of how things "need" to be sometimes or how meticulous you can be. i know, crazy.

you love paper dolls, color forms or making pictures of people or things (robots, clowns, ballerinas). it's the first time you want to participate in art or similar too. before it was you instructing someone to draw something, but now you've become a little more okay with trying.

you adore music still. we have a nice collection of kid instruments and you enjoy passing them out and directing people to play and sing jingle bells. you know lyrics better than me (ok than anyone, bc everyone knows them better than i do). during christmas caroling you knew all the words and took the activity very seriously. 

it's hard to get you outside lately because it's so cold, but you still are an outdoor girl when it's not "too cold, mommy!" 

lots more imaginative play - dress ups, little people and houses, nativity scenes and pretending you are a baby ______________ (insert animal for the day). 

it's only been 2 months since turning 3. seriously it's like this button was pressed and you went in full speed to the next phase. it's kind of awesome though. you are going to be like an adult and an amazon when baby ana comes.


Great Aunt Sandy said…
Yay for Stella!!!

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