
when does the homestretch in pregnancy actually start?
i'm just about entering the 3rd trimey and it feels like i have so much time, but not enough bc i'm so busy. it's a small miracle that i'm actually writing this. 

some notes on how i feel about this pregnancy.

1. after almost 5 months, i consistently feel better. i paid a little more attention to what i eat too and interestingly enough when i have too much processed sugars in one day without other healthy food i start to feel nausea. even though i found this out late in the game, it was nice to know one of the nausea culprits. it's funny how my body was prolly saying "F you, eat better!" i still have a hard time cutting raw meat (and then eating it depending on what it is) and WHOA... the garbage can smell. i barely can change the garbage without gagging so hard i almost puke. stella has to think i'm crazy. daddy knows he has to double bag his yogurt container after eating it and he usually has to switch the garbage. and this isn't to say i don't crave or want tasty treats!

2. the comments in december about my weight/size etc were a little much. it was funny in the first trimester, but not so much now. i'm feeling large and while it may not show to others i feel it in my face and arms and of course, thighs and butt if you must know. overall i know deep down i look good for me and i measure perfectly on target. i just can't believe how many people feel the need to comment on how pregnant i look or how big i am or kid about my due date being wrong. like, no, i know when i had my last period - shall i share it with you?! anyway, i know people aren't trying to be hasty and i TRY to remember that. i would, however, be lying if i said the comments don't make me feel good especially when my hormones can get crazy. and seriously, i don't go up to fat or insanely thin people and try to discuss their weight so why do people think they need to comment on how a women's body carries a baby? sigh.

3. with this kid we decided to do everything different. find out the sex. not hide the name. i just wanted to see what it felt like the other way around. i do feel more connected to this child after finding out the sex. with number 1 i felt connected regardless, bc the distractions were so much less, but this time, actually knowing felt good for whatever reason. i was surprised i felt that way and it's been cool seeing both sides. i'd recommend doing both ways to people. it's really interesting. while i know i've sort of ruined a lot of the surprise factor, at least i don't know her birthday.

4. the birth. i'm finally really excited about this birth. i decided to get some work done and it truly helped set me where i wanted and needed to be. it feels so good to be in a better spot and keep this peace of mind. the thing i dread the most in labor is the nausea. i know i puked and felt blah a lot with stella bc of all the hormone releases and with so much more nausea this time around i just dread that part of it. i feel really good about my birth team and ana figuring it out. i'm trying to talk to ana more too. i have to admit i wasn't having nice conversations with the baby at the beginning and that really wasn't being fair.

5. although i'm measuring right on target i'm still finding it hard to move and jog as well as #1. i found a decent way to sleep (hurray) and turning down the heat at night along with a high end humidifier has helped a lot. i still go to bed and wake up with bloody noses, but i don't feel like i can't breathe. yes! stella still wants me to hold and carry her and sit on my lap. while i love it, i just don't have the room and carrying her has to be limited bc the pressure. i started seeing a physical therapist to relieve some of the sacrum and sciatica pressure. she came highly recommended across the board and after 2.5 weeks of exercises she said all my body's mis-alignments were perfectly aligned. amazing. i'm still having the pressure, but now we are working on strengthening the surrounding areas.

6. if there's a symptom this pregnancy i've had or have it.  and it started earlier and lasted longer. i know, i know, it varies so much by moma and baby, but seriously how do people go through pregnancy almost completely unscathed... with just a little tiredness at the beginning and gaining only 25 lbs? i'm just flabbergasted by this, but oh well.

7. right now ana is breech, but after talking to multiple peeps they assured be it's way early for her not to make her way head down to OA! so feel free to send flip vibes to little galpal! i also can't remember if stella bird was breech at one point. time to dig through my midwife's notes...

hopefully i'll be able to blog once more before egg noodle number 2 makes her debut! at this rate, i have to admit, it's questionable!


Aunt Sandy said…
Wow,your photos remind how amazing women are!

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