hurdles [injuries]

i know it's bound to happen.
i can't keep my little bird in a little (or big) bubble, but it surely sucks when your babe gets hurt.

i'm not sure if this counts as stella's first injury.
it might be unless you count the time my earring scratched her head or when i bumped her nose or head,
but ok, the first time i saw blood from my pretty lil thing.

i have been putting off clipping her nails. 
i mean, i'm the one that is primarily getting scratches here so better me than her. 
if she'd rather abuse me than so be it. i have filed them a couple times, but i find it takes for-ev-er and she is wiggly and doesn't love it, but i do it in hopes of her not imposing injuries on herself from her over grown, sharp fingernails.

well, last week i buckled down and said "today is the day i will clip her nails."
i was getting scratches all over my arms and chest - i probably shouldn't go to work looking like i have been fighting with a tiger anymore. i took the leap.
i propped her in front of the mirror and sat her in my lap so she'd be cozy and have something to look at. she may be a little vain, she likes to look at herself. can't blame her as i like to look at her too.
 nail one. 
nail two.
"i'm the shit!" i think to myself. "this isn't so bad."
nail three.
"hmmm nail three didn't go through."
nail three.
"oh shit! nail three... it sure cut! right into her precious skin."
rising to the surface. crinkled red face ready to wail.
and she did.
wailed to the point where nothing comes out to let me know she was hurt.

i quickly stuck her bloody (i mean this in the literal sense not the negative way) finger in my mouth and just tried to soothe it. it was the only think i could think of. she wasn't pleased with anything i did right away.

i mean can you blame her? her moma, the one she trusts the most (or close to the most...) just cut into her skin. we tried to nurse, she was to upset to latch. finally got her to take a paci and calm down. took her into our bedroom, (it seems to be the room of serenity for her) and snuggled. both of us practically in child's pose against each other, soothing each other for i don't know how long. i think i might have needed the same amount of snuggles as she did since i felt so bad.

there might be dried blood still in nail three. i didn't have the heart to pester with it.

it's amazing how badly we feel for our children when they "aren't right" - - 
good news is she was smiling and babbling after the much needed snuggle session.

for now, i'll stick to the nail file that takes for-ev-er.

the bloody (not literal) clippers that are supposed to be so safe. hmmph.
no more.


Ma Mom said…
YES it is REAL PAIN to injure your baby. I still remember the heat from the hot water that hit your precious skin, Caren. And if only I had known the water was also under your arm. But you have forgiven me and I have almost healed too.

Let's get one of those old fashioned baby scissors I used. You could see what you are doing. They were easy. I could not figure out that contraption in the picture.

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