the little grown up

Holy moly, stella!
You are 18 months old!
I’m so totally a broken record when I say I can’t believe it, but when I look at you, truth is, sometimes I can’t. Such a little being, putting us in our place!

Your dada and I were driving with you and he looked back and said, “you look like a little girl back there in your seat. No more baby – you are a little girl!” and you are – more and more each and every day you sponge something up.

I know this isn't unique to me and by child number two it may not that exciting but I’m impressed on a daily basis of her words and how much she understands. The human brain, and the little mini person human brain is incredible. It’s so interesting to me watching hers expand and soak in so much.

[If you care to hear about how Stella is probably like most 18 month olds please read on. Having never had an 18 month old before it’s exciting for me to document!]

You are wordier by the day.
I know I am going to miss a lot of words, but here are the latest ones I have noted: beans, pen, up, raisin, apple (two syllable!), juice, bread, cheese, row, keys, boots, duck, bath, pants, walk, outside, shake, picture, socks, necklace, ring, juice, water, wallet, bear, mirror, bib, brick, yoyo, ready, down, down, hat, help, out, truck (a favorite!!!), rock, dumpty (humpty dumpty), pepper, bark, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, elbow, knees, toes, mary, Patrick, box, chair, chalk, spoon, wee (swing!), butt, tree, beak, block, Stella, hot sauce, thank you, paint, book…

These are the ones that I kept tabs on anyway. While I know it’s not necessary for me to keep track of your words, I find it interesting to see how your vocabulary grows. I’ve become enamored with your language development. You are starting to say small sentences “hi dada” “ba-bye paw paw” “more please” AND so much improvement in working with two syllable words: “ple is now apple” and you say things like elbow with ease! It’s so neat to watch your wheels turn when practicing your words, mumbling jibberish with words or repeating a word we say for the first time.

I love when you recognize yourself in pictures and say “St-llaaa” – I guess Stella isn’t the easiest name to learn J

Your grandparents watched you last night and your Gpa said you talked the entire time. We call it “Stella radio” haha.

You run to the door and yell “moma” or “dada” when one of us gets home!

You love people, but put on a good “shy show” for “new” people or just need warm up time. It’s funny bc you go non-stop talking and exploring all day, but when intro’d to a “new” person you cling to one of us until comfortable.  You don’t need much warm up time at all if any for other kids. You love to go up and touch them and squeal happily when you see them. You LOVE Patrick and your cousins! (And kids we see while running errands are coveted too and we have to work on deciphering kids are not babies. We still point to anyone under 8 and say “baby”).

You enjoy labeling everything. When we are on a jog, I hear you in the stroller saying “truck” “cat” “bird” etc. we are working on car VS truck right now. I can get how it can be confusing for an 18 month old.

YOU LOVE OUTSIDE! Your happiest times are exploring outdoors; touching nature and running and swinging and looking for dogs.  A ten minute walk can take up to 40 since you stop and “smell the roses” every other house, but I imagine that’s pretty normal. It’s great you are so interested in exploring your surroundings.

The last month you’ve transformed into a climber. Not up to nico’s standards still, but uh, chairs, tables, all the way up the stairs with ease and couches… pretty normal stuff, but your skills and confidence have sky rocketed. While you are fine most of the time there’s still been some bumps and bruises. Comes with the territory I suppose… 

Dada’s shoulders
Corners of our house (places where you decide to fill your pants…)
Boxes and Nooks (lately it’s not uncommon to find you in storage bins for toys. I came out of the shower and found you stuck in a box).

Toy Hammer
Dada’s wallet and old wallet
Baby doll
Baba (Paci uggggg)
Dr. Suess Books
Alphabet Flashcards
Dinosaur Shirt

You are often found running around the house in circles with your latest favorite object. (No, we don’t feed you sugar!)

You are getting pickier, but still we are able to monopolize what you eat for the most part and offer healthy options with a treat every now and then. You eat veges in soup or diced peppers with no complaint, any fruit, beans, corn, PBJ, you like hamburgers and mac, PawPaw’s meat sauce, LOVE hummus, cereal and bites of our granola bars, cashews and raisins are a BIG hit still. Sometimes I wonder if the amount of fruit and grain you have are okay in comparison to the other foods, but you seem healthy and growing with LOTS of energy. Eh.
Yes, my dear, we are still nursing. It’s decreasing a tad more, but still mostly 3x a day; when you get up, before bed and after work on workdays or before a nap on non work days. I’m ready when you are, but not forcing anything. I feel pretty good about all the antibodies you receive and I don’t have any engorgement issues since it’s so minimal – all and all it’s still positive for both of us.

You are one of both sugar and spice:
One on hand you are the most loving little girl, full of hugs and kisses! It’s not uncommon for you to run around the house and stop to give dada and I hugs along your route. You love to snuggle with us, but it’s usually for a quick pit stop. I enjoy that you feel safe and comfortable in our arms. You give the BEST kisses and make sure you have the “MWAHH” sound effect with it! You give lots of book characters kisses in your books along with stuffed animals. You also enjoy snuggle time with books. There are times when we curl up and you sit in my lap and you bring me book after book until the shelf is finished. I’m so thrilled you have an appreciation for reading books with us and alone.

Your spicy side is that of frustration, impatience and comes with devious looks. You know exactly when you aren’t supposed to be doing something; when heading to the wine rack you look over your shoulder to see who’s watching. When ripping off a piece of the plants for your mouth you often say “no no no.” your aggravation comes through when you can’t get what you want – a pen, sitting on the table or are unable to get where you want fast enough.  Sometimes you throw tantrums on the floor kicking your legs and limbs around and saying “no” repeatedly and the latest frustration technique is biting a body or an object (the body is usually moma. Awesome). OUCH – I think this is from me too as I remember biting my sister during fights. And sometimes I get a head-butt. I have a feisty side (ask your dada) and I’m getting a taste of dealing with my own frustrations.

We like to encourage you to figure things out on your own. It’s easy to find out when you can’t get something in a hole or open the pages how you’d like bc there is a big squeal of dislike sometimes followed by tossing the object you are frustrated with across the room. Sometimes I think it’s funny, but I try my best to stay calm and encourage you to try again slowly. While I didn’t know myself at 18 months, I see a lot of me in you and I realize that’s why you chose me. I’m now teaching myself to be patient, to slow down etc.

Your dada asked me yesterday if I was as active as you as a child. I didn’t know the answer, but your Mamaw said you remind her a lot of me as a tot. We both share a like for action and movement. You definitely keep us on our toes. Literally. When you are out of site for a moment who knows what will be going on in your little noggin?!! Sigh.

You like to make faces in the mirror.
You like to see if we are watching and laughing you make faces in the mirror.
You are dancing more and have started a leg lift. (I’m wondering if this is from watching me do yoga??)
You walk around the house with your chin tucked to one side of your shoulder. It’s not safe and I have no idea why you’d want to walk like this, but it’s hysterical to watch.
You also like to peek out of your peripherals and make a silly face at us and quickly look back.

Hide and Seek for Stella while someone sings, “Where is Stella?”
Have I mentioned running around the house? Usually with a prized item or with a bite of food in your mouth (I know, not safe, but she’s happy. Oops).
Drawing more without eating crayons.
Reading books and playing ball.
Ring around the rosy or dancing to music.
Looking at MaMaws ipad pictures and videos.

Little lady, you are a mover.
Like, the majority of the time don’t stop unless nursing or sleeping. But when you are tired, it’s sweet. You want to snuggle and give hugs and my most favorite – you LOVE my cheek on your cheek. It’s the sweetest thing.

I’m so proud of you and proud to be your moma. You are a loving little gal soaking up so much of this life. Thanks for keeping me in line and on my toes. I love you so much.

and here's you with your first real hair cut. such a toddler! you did great - and look super cute too!!


Ma Mom said…
Golly keepers, you have captured her spirit.
Happy 1,5 years!

And yes Stella has much of your personality as a child. I oops a few times and think Stella is you. You were always fast acting and a bit mischievous.
Great Aunt Sandy said…
What a wonderful "scrapbook" you are making! I'm sure she'll treasure this. How adorable she is!
Unknown said…
So nice that Stella will know all of this about herself. I don't think many other children get that.

My favorite = one-eyed Stella in the high chair.
Feisty red head forever!

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