celebrating my title.

i'm not sure what to think of mother's day after becoming a mom. i know that sounds sorta oxy-moronic, but honestly shouldn't we be thanking our mother's and those that do motherly things for us more than just one day? last year i did a big old brunch with both sides of the family. while that was fun, it was at the same time stupid. why did i host something for all the mom's when all the women ended up doing all the work? doesn't that defeat the purpose of moma's day? isn't this day supposed to be a thank you and a break? lesson learned. don't host mother's day - you end up more tired than you started. 

this year, i tried to go in with no expectations, but on the same token i can't deny the fact that i want to be appreciated for the things that i do for my familia. luckily my mister knows that i cringe over materialistic gifts and appreciate thanksgiving and action. (although sometimes we have to remind each other. that's marriage, though!) besides the things beyond my control, mother's day 2013 gets a tick in the success column! well done, fam.

it went something like this:
12:00 a.m. - my toddler who typically sleeps beautifully through the night wakes and screams more than the average night time sounds. moma heads to her rescue. 

1:00 a.m. - proceed to lay bird down in the crib after an hour of failed attempts to lay her down asleep. she screamed and 5 minutes later it was quiet. in order to cope with being annoyed and tired, i came to the conclusion that bird wanted to start mother's day off with her moma. happy mom's day to me, right?!

7:30 a.m. - bird and moma get up. snuggle. and mom heads out for a jog in solace. quiet, chilly, but sunny and alone. 



9:00 a.m. - mister makes eggs and eventually goetta and i watch a little bit of the CBS special on ina may gaskin

10:30 a.m. - we head to half price books for bird to burn some energy (and act like she owns the place) before being subjected to a highchair for mom's day lunch.

11:50 a.m. - bird falls asleep on dada and doesn't wake until 1:20 p.m. while the harrison crew devoured italian food.

1:45 p.m. - pull through sbux knowing i'll be likely to crash since bird had a nap and i didn't. ...and i likely won't. (see 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.)

3:00 p.m. - play with the bird and her items and blew some bubbles outside and watched dada mow and sweep.




5:00 p.m. - have some requested alone and quiet time. 

7:00 p.m. - shovel our left overs in our mouths.

this was my day. i hope that my moma had a great day or days! we plan to have a celebration of women on the maternal side soon!

so with that, thank you moma for being amazing. for listening to me and supporting me. for taking such good care of our babe. for watering my plants every thursday. for being my cheerleader. for letting me disagree and loving me anyway. i hope that i let you know these things more than just one day a year, but i, like everyone else, need this excuse of a day to say thank you out loud and proud. i guess that's why we celebrate.

and for those of you that don't carry the title "moma" i celebrate and salute you too. thank you to all the amazing, strong, beautiful women in my life! 

it's not every year i do a tribute to the momas...


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