what momma says.

let's just say sometimes I have issues and I don't shut my trap.
i'm 1/2 Italian and 99% scorpio, so let's just get that out of the way as well.

tonight while I was jogging i received a "cat call"
this has happened before, but it irritated me more than ever tonight. i just wanted to jog in peace. it's one of the only times by myself where i don't have to answer to anyone or anything (except maybe the shower). so this terd of a 19 or 20 year old put a damper on that for me.

we live near a university so there's a handful of houses here and there in the mix that are filled with students. there were a couple of dudes on the balcony drinking some brews. typical college behavior and more often then not they don't bother anyone. i was on the opposite side of the street, slow paced in my gray capris, old white T with 'TEAM HARRISON' stamped on the front with neon yellow shoes, when i hear "hey hey! hiii!" and waving. i wave back with a little confusion "do i know you? wth?" sort of look.  then i hear "woo woo. heyyyyyyy yea, look at that nice ass wooo".

ok *&^%wad, you want to be friendly? fine. i'll give you friendly and send you a wave. you want to be a jacknut because you are 19? fine, i'll give you my 19 year old self and give you 2 middle fingers in reply. what's funny is sometimes i can run past this, but tonight, watch out, my blood went straight to boil. maybe i'm just tired of it. and honestly, i don't even get it. do people actually get picked up like this?

so blood boiling me runs 4-5 houses more and turns around. not really even sure what i was going to say, i run up to the house and say "hey you, the 'yeller' your *&^% is the size of a peanut." i know, i know, not really even a good come back, but it just spilled out and i wanted to say something offensive back and apparently that's all i could think of. (really, really mature right?!)

"i'm married with a kid. do you really think that is appropriate?" i say. (and even if i wasn't married with a kid, it's still not appropriate to yell about my ass. would you say it to my face if we were eye to eye?) "i get you are in college and drinking and having fun. been there, done that, but there's really no need to yell and harass people." i'm not sure if i would be heard after beginning with my oh-so-mature statement, but he looked dumbfounded and didn't have a reply. his friend actually said he disagreed with him yelling. (who knows if that's true or not).

i then ran off to finish my work out. i have to admit, i'm glad i didn't just run it off like i usually do. it was very gratifying calling someone out on stupidity.

for the record:
i did a lot of stupid things in college. immature things. drunk things. perhaps obnoxious things. maybe i needed someone to call me out, who knows? but, cat calling? why is this something that makes my skin crawl? and it's not just college men that partake? (there's plenty of winners down by the justice center that participate in this neat behavior as well). i just don't get it. i don't take it as a compliment, i do take offense. you don't know me so don't talk about my body. and just because i'm thin and fit doesn't make this acceptable. (and for the record, i shouldn't have talked about this guys body parts either).

now i don't plan on approaching or lashing out at every cat caller from here on out (mister john might kill me first for opening my mouth... again), but it did make a difference for me to stand up for myself instead of letting it slide. so, sorry-i'm-not-sorry mister spring breaker, you caught me at the wrong moment.

i just don't see cat calling as complimentary. a compliment is supposed to make the person feel good and should be given face to face. i see cat calls as a sense of (usually) male entitlement and for the satisfaction of that person. just unnecessary imo, but there's a lot of stupid people in the world. it's a shame everyone can't be as perfect as me.


Caren said…
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Anonymous said…
For the record, you do have a nice ass :0
Caren said…
haha well you are allowed to say that. people that do not know me, nope.
Auntie Sandy said…
I like hearing your rant. I totally get you on this one. Of course as your auntie I'm concerned for yor safety first, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do (and say)! You certainly told him!

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