i know, what the hell?

I changed the name of the blog. again.

and I know it's sort of dumb and the title is sorta drab, but honestly I just wanted it done. I don't have a lot of time to sit here and research the perfect title and when it comes to technology I'm not exactly what you call a whiz. I'm an "mac" gal of course, but my laptop is from 2007, which means in human terms it's practically a dinosaur. no. not practically, it is. (but don't faint on me, I'm saving up for a new one). it's slow and when I work on it, let's just say it's not the most efficient. so not a lot of digging for titles went on.

but, anyway folks, most of my brainstorming comes in the shower. (as does most of my most amazing blogs haha. it's so sad that most of them you'll never read. there's just not enough quiet time at a computer for me these days). damn.  but, really, I was thinking in the shower about the name change and just wanted it to be easy.

so here: 'what momma writes'
that's it.
that's what I do. I'm a momma and sometimes I write. (along with a bunch of other crap, like run the show and the house. sometimes I like the mister help). most of what I write about here is coming from me, as a momma. not always, but the majority so it seems to make the most sense and i figure people resonate with that.

before, i thought this would be a business blog, but honestly when i write, i want to write about whatever the hell i want. i hate proper punctuation and capitalization. don't pass out on me grammar police. i work in literacy and sometimes i just need a break. a creative break from putting the comma in the right spot and sometimes i just need to overuse the dot. dot. dot.
so here i plan to do it. so let me.

and, yea I'm sure i'll link business updates and excitement on here, but overall i don't feel like mixing business with motherly musings regularly.

I'm not even sure who reads this or who finds it. i didn't even get the redirect figured out yet. (i know, it's supposed to be simple. I KNOW. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SIMPLE. you wouldn't believe me if i told you the phone calls i made for this stupid blog haha!) but don't worry i'll redirect you. you'll just be late reading all this.

and some day i'll even make a new banner! one that is prettier. and if you are lucky, i'll even try to spice up the colors for you. but keep in mind i have the dinosaur so until i get a) patience or b) a dinosaur replacement you may just have to sit on the edge of your seat.

i look forward to ranting about crap that I'm passionate about and keeping tabs on my stella. and maybe, just maybe i'll finish or re-start all my drafts. (not counting all the drafts done in the shower...)

dot. dot. dot.


Auntie Sandy said…
Like this! Yay for your new blog.

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