3.17.11 II

Well, it's no surprise I can't keep anything from your dad. I had butterflies and they were annoying me so uh, I just broke the news of the possibility that there is a “you” inside me to him and he actually was so giddy. I said “hey babe…what would you do if I said I was pregnant?” and he said “well I would say ‘congratulations you are with child’!” He went on to say he’d actually be really, really excited and I could even see it on his face. So I told him how I came to my conclusion and he was ready to go get a test haha. I am going to take 2 tests from your Auntie Lea’s stash and we will take 1 tomorrow… a day early and then one Saturday to confirm since technically I should be waiting until day 18 to take the test for it to show up, but your pops said what's the difference, let's just do it! I have to admit I sort of have butterflies still and I am really excited too if this perhaps is a +. And if not you will just come when you are supposed to come.

Part of me wants to wait b/c I STINK at keeping secrets and am not a really good liar if it is about me. Sooooo uh, this should be interesting. This is part of the reason I had to tell your daddy b/c he probably would have figured out that there was something on my mind and boy today I can’t stop thinking about it… mind was going a mile a minute. I went for a 6.5 mile run and felt great, but you were all I thought about and already oddly felt like I had to protect you if you are chillin in me …Even if you are the size of a sesame seed.


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