Chalk up another reason why kids are the coolest!

Three times a week I watch a 3 year old girl named Paisley Grace. Paisley and I were talking about babies. She actually mentioned how she didn't like babies because they put her toys in their mouth. (NOTE: She did see a picture of my niece slobbering on the same children's toy that she has so this may be where it stemmed from). We had a short conversation about babies and it was pretty innocent. Her pre school teacher recently had a baby so apparently she had been asking her mom the heated questions

"Where do babies come from?"

"How did I get in there?"

"Was I injected in there?"

"Why did you and Daddy pick me?"

Very innocent, sweet questions. 
She was intent on showing me her framed ultrasound picture last night and showing me her itty bitty feet and how "tyute" (cute) she was. It was truly endearing to see her so wrapped up in this. She said "I was in mommie's tummy until I was big enough to live out of there." 
I put Paisley to bed as usual and Amanda arrived home shortly after.

We talked and laughed about Paisley's recent baby inquiries, but the convo led into more personal experiences and then names we liked etc. Amanda asked if John and I were trying and it was pretty much written all over my face at that point. I told her the news and she was genuinely thrilled (and apparently you are going to get a lot of hand me downs from Paisley's collection. I won't decline!) Amanda emailed me later that night and had said she suspected I was pregnant for two reasons; a) Paisley spilled the beans + b) Shakespeare (her dog!) showed a different behavior and excitement when I was around. She said Shakespeare acted a certain way when she was pregnant with Paisley so she thought there may be a bun in the oven.

As for Paisley spilling the beans, well, that is actually quite interesting. Two nights after Paisley and I had the baby talk she woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and sleepily said to her mom "Miss Tawen has a baby growing in her tummy." The coolest part about this is that I didn't tell Paisley there was a baby in my tummy. She either had a dream or intuition that I had a baby growing. I think this is so innocently sweet and amazing. Yet another reason I love kids and their ability to keep connection with the spirit world. Amanda and I came to the conclusion that kids and dogs must have the same intuition! I find it charming that Paisley is able to see my child (you!).


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