deciphering the quease.

I slept awful, little one.
I peed probably 17 times (ok, well it felt like that...), my food was just sitting in my stomach all night long and the onion breath just wouldn't subside.

last night we went to Lauren + Jim's for dinner and they had a slider bar! very delish if I may say so myself, but I overate and apparently should have shyed away from the onions. i think it was a mix of too much jalapeno cheese dip, caramelized onions on my burger and then onions in the feta salad as well. taking notes along the way so hopefully i don't binge on onions and dip again. i don't normally eat like that.

i sure wish i took my camera to take a picture of the slider bar for this post. note to self, stop taking camera out of purse! missed opportunities.

so i think it was my poor eating choices last night that made me feel ill, but i still feel the remnants today. i don't feel overly queasy, but i don't feel exactly normal so i am sitting here in wonderment if this is the beginnings of the fateful morning sickness.

i finally got rid of the onion breath (thanks to grapefruit juice and cereal+milk) and don't know if i can eat them any time soon due to last night's events. are you telling me you don't like onions or is this the random quasi-queasy feeling people get? it's sort of a feeling like i am so hungry i feel nauseous, but i am not hungry. i guess time will tell. i am still going to keep thinking positive that my "sick" experience won't be too, too bad.


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