Don't let me forget where I came from...

no, no. I'm not talking about Cincinnati.
I am talking about the world of fashion + style. I lived in nyc for 3 years & worked in for a company called GIII Apparel Group where I learned how to dress haha! It was great fun and I don't want a growing tum to stop me from feeling good about myself. I feel good when I like what I wear and have fun putting together sassy or creative outfits and I don't want my changing body to stop me. So I am hoping you all will keep me accountable, by not letting me hide in over sized jeans and a sweatshirt every day. I have not figured out how I will get cute maternity clothes when the time comes, but I am a master net worker so hopefully I can get some donations or borrow-age from the mama's out there that are short and not currently using their clothes :)

I have been inspired to stay stylish from some other baby mama blogs: dearbaby & bohobabybump & bleubirdvintage & thislittleplace to name a few.

So feel free to call me out if I start to look frumpy. I am excited to carry this little nugget in style and in shape! Bring it.


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