a good team

now that is what i call your daddy and i.

we seem to agree on everything lately, although everything doesn't consist of much yet, none the less i am happy about it.

we discussed colors for your room. premature, yes, yes i know, but why not spread it out a little each month rather than wait to nest at the very end? that's not how i roll. and yes, i am sure i will "roll" much differently once you are here because i will have to. we will learn what works for all of us as we go.

but back to our good team....

you daddy went to half price books with your grandpa over the weekend and he came back with a baby name book. all in good fun of course. i like all the excitement and energy he brings even if we are both premature with plenty of the planning. i'm tickled that he brought the book home because it shows he was thinking of us.

you have about 30 names right now (about 1/2 girl and 1/2 boy). we were going to watch a movie, but it ended up skipping so we played the game: "i read the names and you (your dad) write the agreed upon ones down." we of course nixed a few like Carmel + Magnolia if you are a girl and Japheth + Norris if you are a boy. Veto power is important. we really enjoy integrating some form of a family heirloom name or a name with a meaning special to us. your dad really liked dora for a girl. it's not that i dislike it, but in 2011 everyone knows dora as the explorer and i can't have everyone thinking of you as a cartoon character, so it was veto'd. clearly your dad has not seen any current cartoons, which i am completely fine with. i have no intention of you sitting in front of the tube being harassed by marketing ploys of ugly, too large or too small bright plastic things. you'll thank me later for that. (and side note: dora the explorer is actually one of the better cartoons, but i have never been an avid cartoon or TV watcher).

the other issue with dora is that your cousin's name is sora. ok, i know, not that big of a deal. and to be honest it isn't a big deal especially since she goes by josie, but your grandpa minniti grew up with: Big Vince, Middle Vince, Little Vince, Rosanne, Rosa Marie + Rose for cousins. i thought it would be a nice gesture to alleviate confusion.

as for your 30 other choices we aren't going to reveal them publicly. yet. or at all?

i can't tell you how pleased i am with all the choices and how your daddy and i agreed on so many so quickly. there are almost too many swell options. either way, no matter what your name is it won't matter once you are here. my brother told me it's hard because there is no perfect name and a friend shared that she would love her son just as much even if she didn't like his name. so there, that takes the pressure off. i will love you no matter what even if your name is diarrhea.

for other name choosing tips check out name bracketology in the life of a dad blog.

for now, you will stay nugget.


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