memories of marathon training... far this is far from marathon training, but i have been getting hungry around 1030/11pm at night. not for a full meal, but just wanting something to curb the hunger. the last time i felt hungry for dinner #2 or a snack was when i was training for the nyc marathon. i remember feeling odd about eating before bed, but my body needed it.

i don't want to go to bed growling because i feel like i am neglecting what needs to be fed and it's hard to sleep. i can't complain. i'd rather want me body to need more food from growing a human than vomiting or feeling the naus. again, still, so far so good. perhaps i will be one of the lucky ones so i can keep on keepin on.

the last time i needed a second meal/snack that late was during my long training runs. i guess growing a human burns a lot of calories? or, uh, is using my energy not all just for me. time to get a snack.


i have been eating really well. i don't believe in the whole "oh this cookie is for the baby..."

i mean who gives their babies cookies and chocolate? that's not cool. so i have been eating well still and focused on "would i feed my baby this?" when i choose a snack.

some favorites are:

blueberries + yogurt
protein bar
string cheese

i went to a show with Auntie Kath and her family and had to whip open a granola bar during the second half of the performance. i was starving! she laughed as she knew what it was like. it's nice to know again it's normal and ok that i am legit hungry every 2 hours! i feel like an infant that needs to nurse every couple of hours.

if i DON'T eat then i start to feel the quease. other than that i truly cannot complain.


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