
i'm trying to not write every post on how i feel, but i realize this will be a good diary to fall back on for other babies and a way for me to vent so excuse all the personal symptom posts. 
they won't last forever. (god, at least i hope they won't!)

so i guess i have some morning sickness. maybe i am in denial and don't want to completely admit it, but the past couple of mornings i have felt like crapola. yes i have felt worse with the flu, but just waking up with the feeling that you could puke at any moment. it's not every morning, but it's been most recent ones. 
i have found that sleeping in a little longer helps and jogging in open air.

so i have been doing both.

have to admit it has infringed on my work schedule of 2 jobs. 
getting in the office @ 730 am is not coming easy if at all. 
i'm still managing both, but working later or more jacked up hours to make up for "lost" time.

what i have been experiencing more regularly than morning sickness, is some beloved "nightly-naus." it's pretty much feeling like shit before bed every night. i also am not very into meat. john and i usually have meat of some sort for dinner and i want nothing to do with prepping, cooking or even eating it. the steak went down alright, but it hasn't been agreeing with me before or after it goes down. im sure i need the protein, but sometimes gagging wins. it comes with the territory and i know it will be worth it in the end. i try not to focus on it, but it's distracting to feel pukey before bed every night. hmmmmm.

in yoga we focus on our breathing instead of the pain or tension in a pose. i'm giving that a whirl. it's been easier to ease my mind of physical pain than pukey feeling.

and that is my tale on nightly - naus infringing on my schedule. 
can't wait to get back in action.


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